Burger King Asst. Manager Takes Home Bag O’ Cash To “Teach Co-Worker A Lesson”

According to the Daytona Beach News-Journal, an assistant manager at a Burger King in Deltona, FL, claims he spotted a sack of cash sitting on the floor next to the restaurant’s safe. He says he assumed that the other assistant manager had simply forgotten to place the bag inside the safe, and so he just finished the task for his co-worker.
The assistant manager then says, apparently upon further reflection, that he later removed the bag from the safe and took it back to his house, all with the educational goal of teaching his co-worker a lesson about leaving money around.
He probably should have checked with his boss first, because when the BK owner noticed the money — around $1,400 — was missing, he contacted the sheriff’s office.
When confronted about the missing money, the assistant manager at first denied having anything to do with it. Then the owner said he was going to require polygraph tests from all workers, but that he might not press charges if someone came forward and returned the money.
And so the assistant manager went home, grabbed the still-sealed sack and brought it back to the store. He insisted he’d intended on bringing the money back to work that next day, but was running late and thus forgot about the bag of bills that didn’t belong to him.
Somehow, sheriff’s investigators weren’t won over by his story, and he was charged with grand theft, spending the night behind bars before posting bail.
Before this man is convicted, authorities should look into the possible involvement of failed real estate tycoon George Bluth and his longtime associate J. Walter Weatherman, who have been known to go to extremes to teach simple life lessons:
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