Taco Restaurant Cook Allegedly Filmed Ladies’ Room With Hidden Camera Phone

(CBS Chicago)
The phone was under a piece of canvas with a hole in it under the sink, and a customer brought it to the attention of authorities, police told CBS Chicago.
The alleged cameraman clearly doesn’t follow the news (or at least doesn’t read Consumerist) because we’ve all learned that this particular crime happens regularly all over the world, and doesn’t end well for anyone involved.
Report: Pervy Employees At German Supermarket Chain Secretly Filmed Female Shoppers
Cops Say CVS Employee Planted iPhone In The Bathroom To Film Women
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Man Finds Camera Hidden In Starbucks Bathroom, Doesn’t Even Get A Free Coffee For It
Walmart Accused Of Secretly Videotaping Public Restroom
2 Investigators: Cook Allegedly Hides Camera In Restaurant Bathroom [CBS Chicago]
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