Land’s End Can’t Redeem Shop Your Way Rewards, Doesn’t Care

Nobody cares.
Shop Your Way Rewards are one of the delightful selling points for continuing to shop at companies that are part of Sears Holdings Corporation, such as Sears, Kmart, and Land’s End. Hayden has accumulated a modest balance of these points, and wanted to spend them at Land’s end. The website won’t let him. He reported this problem to Land’s End, and no one at the company seems to care. At all.
He writes:
I have had a serious problem with the Lands End website for over a month but no one at Lands End seems to care.
There is a problem redeeming Shop Your Way (SYW) Rewards at the Lands End website. The Lands End checkout process does not actually subtract the value of the SYW rewards you are redeeming from the order being placed when you check out. In order words, where the Lands End checkout process is supposed to deduct the value of the SYW points you are redeeming, for example deducting $3.99 for redeeming 3,990 points…it “deducts” exactly $0.00. I have sent screenshots from three different browsers, Mac and PC, that clearly show that despite redeeming 3,990 or $3.99 in SYW points, literally $0.00 is being deducted from my Lands End total.
I have been trying to get Lands End to take notice of this problem for over three weeks, nearly a month, but NOBODY AT LANDS ENDCARES. I have sent numerous e-mails detailing the problem at length and included multiple screenshots. Most of the time the responses I get are bizarre made-up explanations from Lands End for the bug and never a sincere apology or acknowledgement of the bug. Every other email I have to explain the problem over again. It is absolutely infuriating.How is Lands End going to find out about problems with it’s website if it’s front-end customer service is so incompetent at handling reports of problems? This experience with Lands End has completely soured me on Lands End. I thought Lands End customer service was good but this is ridiculous.
Maybe there is someone around at Sears who does care, but Hayden doesn’t know how to find or reach this person.
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