Disney Rewards Kid Who Gave Away His Free Trip With Another Vacation, Which He Then Gives Away

It was like a game of Good Samaritan Hot Potato on Good Morning America today, as Disney offered a free vacation to a 9-year-old Massachusetts boy — who had given away his Disney trip to a young girl whose dad was killed in Afghanistan — only to then have the boy say he’d be passing that vacation on to yet another person.
Inspired by that guy who started with a red paperclip and kept trading up until he got a house, the youngster set up a Facebook page in February where he offered to trade his toy soldier, with the ultimate goal of scoring a free Disney trip who could give away to a military family.
Finally, last week, he was able to trade up to an all-expenses trip to Disney. He then put all the names of a number of military families into a hat and pulled out the name of a 2-year-old girl whose father, a lieutenant in the U.S. Army, was killed in Afghanistan last August.
But when Disney officials went on GMA this morning to offer the boy a trip of his own, he said thanks, and that he’d pull another name out his hat so that another military family could enjoy some fun in the sun.
“We can’t accept a trip to Disney,” the kid explained, “but we have many more people who would like to have an all-expenses paid [trip]…so we can do another raffle.”
His mom says she was surprised — but at the same time not surprised — by her son’s response.
“Knowing him, in my head, I would think that he would do something like that,” she said. “For a 9-year-old to get that opportunity and to have a response like that, it’s amazing. We say it’s like having a 40-year-old in a 9-year-old’s body. I am very proud.”
Boy Who Donated Disney Trip to Soldier’s Family Wins Vacation of His Own [ABC]
Thanks to Dov for the tip!
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