How To Turn Off A PlayStation Vita When It Doesn't Want To Turn Off

When most electronic devices freeze up and won’t restart or turn off, one option is to pull out the battery. But that’s not a choice when dealing with Sony’s new PlayStation Vita, which has an internal power source you can’t access without violating the warranty. When the Vita freezes up, it won’t react immediately to button inputs.
There is a solution, and PlayStationLifeStyle tells you how it’s done. You start by holding down the power button for 30 seconds. Following that endurance test, you gain access to a menu that offers several options, including “Restart the PS Vita System,” “Rebuild Database,” “Format Memory Card,” “Restore the PS Vita System” and “Update System Software.”
Start with a restart, and if that doesn’t work you can try the database and update options. If you strike out, you’ll probably have to contact PlayStation Support.
How to Save Your Vita From The Blue Light of Death [PlayStationLifeStyle]
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