How To Clean An HDTV Screen

Dust, smudge marks and other mysterious grime can obscure the picture on that TV you’ve made the centerpiece of your living room. But the device is so seemingly fragile that it’s intimidating to attempt to clean it.
Back in July, PCWorld shared some tips on how to properly clean your flat-paneled best friend. The process is easier than you’d think:
Step 1: Unplug the TV.
Step 2: Wipe it down with a dry cloth.
Step 3: If there are still smudges, use a wet cloth. Distilled water is preferable, and a half-vinegar, half-water solution can help get rid of tougher spots.
The post recommends using a spray bottle to dampen your cloth, and waiting until the TV is dry before plugging it back in. Click the source link for advice on how to clean the TV’s frame, as well as other general care tips.
How to Clean Your HDTV [PCWorld]
Previously: Don’t Clean Your HDTV With Windex
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