home maintenance

How To Clean An HDTV Screen

How To Clean An HDTV Screen

Dust, smudge marks and other mysterious grime can obscure the picture on that TV you’ve made the centerpiece of your living room. But the device is so seemingly fragile that it’s intimidating to attempt to clean it. [More]

Quick Fixes That Ready Your Home For The Cold

Quick Fixes That Ready Your Home For The Cold

Now that the colder months are approaching, it’s a good time to ready your home for the change in weather. It’s better to consider maintenance and repairs now then when your roof has sprung a leak or your ragged windows start allowing drafts. [More]

Quick, Easy DIY Home Maintenance Tips

Quick, Easy DIY Home Maintenance Tips

By expending a little effort to keep your stuff in good condition, you can save yourself the pain of costly repairs or replacements. [More]