Shoppers Buy Goods Online At Physical eBay Pop-Up Store In London

Now that many us shop online for holiday presents, you might be feeling nostalgic for the feel of a physical store, or at least that’s what eBay seemed to think when they put up a Christmas boutique pop-up store in London last week.
Filling the store’s rooms were items for him, her and the whole family — but instead of grabbing prized pieces off the shelves and standing in line to purchase them, shoppers scanned QR codes either on their smartphones or the store’s tablets, and bought them through eBay’s site, CNNMoney reported.
The good? No lugging home large items or fighting other customers for goods, while still being able to see the item in person that you’re buying. And the bad? Well, you’re in a crowded store buying things you can easily get from the comfort of your couch, and you have to wait for it to be delivered. Or if you’re one of those college students who doesn’t know what to do with a QR code, you’re out of luck.
The store was an experiment that ran for five days in London, so if it was deemed successful, no doubt eBay and other retailers could try it again in the future. If sweatpants are acceptable attire in said stores, perhaps even some couch potatoes could be convinced to try it out.
Shoppers Buy Goods Online At Physical eBay Pop-Up Store In London [CNNMoney]
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