Zappos Gets In The Holiday Spirit, Pays Tolls On Section Of Massachusetts Turnpike

If you’re traveling in Massachusetts today on a certain part of the turnpike, you’ll have one less toll to pay. Online shoe and clothing retailer Zappos has teamed up with the state’s Department of Transportation to pay tolls on a section of road from 5-7 p.m. today.
The toll-free area will exist in both directions tonight at the Allston/Brighton toll plaza, saving drivers $1.50, says Boston’s WWLP.
The Massachusetts DOT says around 16,000 vehicles traveled through that area last year on the same day. Zappos is also covering the cost of all signs announcing the tolls.
“By teaming up with Zappos, it is my hope that we can make drivers a little less stressed about their commute during the holiday,” DOT Secretary and CEO Richard Davey said.
Now how’s about the rest of the country, Zappos?
*Thanks to Consumerist reader Jonathan T. for the tip!
Zappos to pay for some Turnpike tolls [WWLP]
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