Japan Proposes Offering 10,000 Free Round-Trip Tickets To Boost Tourism

In order to boost flagging tourism after the nuclear disaster, earthquakes and tsunami, the Japan Tourism Agency has proposed a bold plan. They’re going to give away 10,000 free round-trip tickets.
Good Morning America says that the catch is that would-be travelers will need to submit a detailed travel plan, and, more importantly, write a review of their time in Japan and post in online. That’s aimed directly at boosting word of mouth and maximizing the benefit of the ticket giveaway.
“We are hoping to get highly influential blogger-types, and others who can spread the word that Japan is a safe place to visit,” Kazuyoshi Sato, an agency spokesperson, told Good Morning America.
The over a billion yen in funding has yet to be approved, but if it is, the tourism agency says it hopes to start signing up travelers and bloggers by next April.
A round-trip ticket from New York City to Tokyo costs over $1,000 right now. This could be an easy and fun way to score a free trip to Japan. The blogging for tickets only goes as far as the airplane ride, however. Travelers will have to pay for their own lodging and food.
10,000 Free Round-Trip Tickets to Japan [Good Morning America]
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