Whether a tourist destination has dazzling scenery, famed museums, ancient ruins, or just really fantastic nightlife, there’s one thing all visitors want to find in foreign lands: plenty of clean public restrooms. That’s where China’s plan for a “toilet revolution” comes in. [More]
fighting the good fight

N.Y. Gov. Cuomo On Fighting Abuse At Nail Salons: “Nobody Can Do It Faster Than The Consumer Can Do It”
In the aftermath of a recent two-part investigative report on the conditions in the nail salon industry, Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office worked with lawmakers to create a multi-agency task force aimed at fighting abuses in the workplace. At a task force event today in New York City, Cuomo and other public officials said that after working with nail salon employees to educate them on their rights and talking to business owners, the final, most powerful step is up to consumers. [More]

Walmart Displeased With Walmart.Horse, Wants It Taken Down
If you’re looking for the Walmart website, your instinct would be to simply go to Walmart.com, or maybe Walmart.net, or even Walmart.org… all of which go to the same place. There is currently no reason whatsoever to type the URL Walmart.horse into your web browser, but if you go there, you get pretty much exactly what you’d expect — a picture of a horse and a Walmart store. [More]

Toys 'R' Us Releasing Tablet For Kids So Yours Won't Get As Smudgy During Epic Angry Birds Sessions
My six-year-old nephew, who is of course perfect, is forever taking control of his mother’s iPod Touch in order to show me his latest conquest in Angry Birds or some game involving vegetables and zombies (which clearly go together). Because his mom is a saint of a woman, she doesn’t seem to mind when he smudges up the screen with his eager, ketchup-covered fingers. But in case you’re not a saint, Toys ‘R’ Us is hoping you might want to shell out some dough just to get your tablet kid-free with its new offering. [More]