Do Not Call 911 Because Taco Bell Won't Serve You When You Walk Through Drive-Thru

No matter how bad you need a taco late at night, and regardless of how miffed you are that Taco Bell will not hook you up via its drive-thru when you’re on foot, your plight is not an emergency that warrants a 911 call.
Florida TV station 13 News reports that police say a Largo, Fla. man who had been drinking alcohol called 911 after being denied tacos, and stayed on the phone with the 911 dispatcher for 11 minutes until police came and arrested him for misuse of the system.
Here’s a taste of the man’s reasoning, excerpted from the call transcript:
“You can’t walk up, you’ve got to drive up. You got a get a DUI to get a taco. I got the munchies and I walked a quarter mile from here. Are you going to help me out or do I have to get arrested to get home? You know what I’m saying?”
A Taco Bell manager says the restaurant doesn’t serve pedestrians via its drive-thru for safety reasons.
Largo 911 call: ‘Taco Bell won’t serve me tacos!’ [13 News (Florida) via Fark]
Previously: Woman Calls 911 Three Times Because McDonald’s Is Out of McNuggets
Woman Calls 911 Because Her Chinese Food Order Was Wrong
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