$250 Laptop Turns Out To Be Made Of Paper

Two women bought what they thought was a laptop for $250. Upon opening, it it turned out to be a packet of paper wrapped in black tape.
The women were approached in a gas station parking lot by a man who said he had received laptops in shipping boxes at a discount.
The incident happened in Spartanburg, South Carolina, the same town where earlier this week it was reported that a woman bought what she thought was a $180 iPad that turned out to be a piece of painted wood.
Police says the man is 5’11” and weighs ~130 lbs. He travels with another man in a white four-door and sports a grill in his mouth with four gold teeth.
Once again, scammers exploit greedy people who think they’re scamming one over themselves. House of Games, anyone?
Police: Fake Electronics Salesmen Strike Again [WSPA] (Thanks to Chris!)
Woman Finds She Now Has $180 iWood Instead Of iPad
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