Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Cheapskate?

Jeff Yeager, Wise Bread blogger and author, has just published a new book titled The Cheapskate Next Door, where he interviews over 300 self-described cheapskates to find out what makes them tick. In an interview over at Daily Finance, he says that for most of his subjects, the choice to live frugal lifestyles wasn’t primarily about money.
It was almost always grounded in a bigger belief. Sometimes it was a religious belief, sometimes environmentalism, sometimes something else. These aren’t greedy, Scrooge-like, pensive penny-pinchers I write about. These are people who recognize that there’s a lot more to life than money and stuff, and they’ve found creative ways to make money a less important part of their lives. They know what they want, and they skip the rest.
“Author Jeff Yeager Shares Cheapskates’ Secrets to Happiness” [Daily Finance]
The Ultimate Cheapskate [Jeff Yeager’s website]
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