Subway Worker Wonders Why You Would Eat Their "Disgusting" Food
John visited his local Rhode Island Subway every weekday for the past two months to enjoy what he thought was a healthy lunch. That all came to end after he overheard a Subway worker say to her colleague: “I don’t know how anybody could eat this stuff everyday. It’s disgusting and it will make you fat.”
John writes:
I have recently started hitting the gym daily and trying to work healthy food into my diet. Everyday I leave the gym and get a small sub from subway and a diet soda to carry me over until dinner time. I’ve been going every weekday for about 2 months now. Yesterday I ordered the usual, a six inch turkey and ham on wheat bread with extra olives. The woman at the counter turns to her coworker friend and says “I don’t know how anybody could eat this stuff everyday. It’s disgusting and it will make you fat.”
I took my sandwich, ate it, then threw my subway card in the trash on the way out. I’m so glad that subway worker had the good sense to let me know how disgusting their food was, or I’d still be going there every day for lunch.
We wouldn’t put too much stock in the musings of a single employee, but the truth is that Subways is as healthy or disgusting as you choose. It’s one of the better fast food options if you stick to the basics, but if you load up on the sides and slather on the mayo, then yeah, it’s going to make you fat. Decide for yourself by looking at their nutrition information.
Nutrition Information [Subway]
(Photo: Mr. T in DC)
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