RegisterFly Crash Lands

Don’t be this consumer.

Scott got his domains through and, “quickly found out just how much they suck (DNS servers often going down, abysmal customer service, account info “magically” changing all by itself, exceptionally slow response to ‘help’ emails, to name just a few).”

He’s since transferred all his domains to GoDaddy. But now he has $20 in his RegisterFly account that they refuse to refund him. They claim he was in TOS at the time. Scott says he can’t remember. Rather than take the company to small claims court, he’s using those leftover dollars to poison RegisterFly on its own bile.

He tried to register but it’s already taken, by RegisterFly. He’s come up with a few variations:,,,,, Scott requests your help in thinking up others

This all seems rather petty. If Scott wanted to be a model consumer, he would take them to small claims court. However, if he was an even better consumer, he wouldn’t have gone with RegisterFly in the first place. Do not find your piss-ant domain register through Google Ads. They are .0001 a dozen (see VistaPages). We would like to sympathize with Scott but he’s broken the first rule of good consumerism: being an informed buyer.

Most egregiously, RegisterFly isn’t even cheaper. Currently their domains are $9.99, a dollar and four cents more than Godaddy.

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