If GoDaddy wanted to find out how people feel about puppy mills, well, it’s done that, at the cost of one of its intended Super Bowl ads. After a tease of the spot hit the web, featuring a lost puppy who finds his way back to Danica Patrick, the driver for an online puppy business, the public lashed out at GoDaddy through social media. [More]

GoDaddy Discontinues Something, Forgets To Tell Customers What
It’s nice when a company gives customers advance notice before they stop offering a popular product or service. GoDaddy sent out an e-mail yesterday notifying their customers about the end of a product. Which product? Well, that’s a good question. [More]

One Month After Being Hijacked, Twitter Finally Restores @N Account To Rightful User
Several weeks ago, the Internet was abuzz with the story of how hackers had taken advantage of idiocy at Paypal and GoDaddy to hijack developer Naoki Hiroshima’s personal website and hold it hostage until he handed over the keys to his coveted @N Twitter handle. Now comes the good news that Twitter has finally put that account back under the control of the person it originally belonged to. [More]

GoDaddy Admits Maybe It Should Have Helped User With Hijacked Account
Earlier this week, developer and long-time Twitter user Naoki Hiroshima lost his coveted, valuable Twitter handle (@N) after hackers took control of his personal website via GoDaddy and held it hostage until he released the account. Last night, GoDaddy finally admitted that maybe it should have listened to Hiroshima when he first contacted the company. [More]

Hacker Hijacks Website In Extortion Attempt, GoDaddy Refuses To Talk To Actual Owner
It’s the modern-day bureaucratic nightmare — Someone steals something that belongs to you, and the one party that could easily do something about it refuses to listen to you because its records show that the thief is the rightful owner. According to developer Naoki Hiroshima, someone lusted after his Twitter handle (@N) so badly that they went to great lengths, hijacking his personal website in a (sadly successful) extortion attempt. [More]

GoDaddy Offers Apology, Credit For Website Downtimes
While an anonymous hacker took credit for taking down web host GoDaddy earlier this week, the company says that the outage was their own darn fault. It wasn’t a hack or distributed denial of service attack, but “internal network events that corrupted router data tables.” More relevant to this site’s interests is that they offered a small refund to affected customers, but only those who took the time to click on a link in an e-mail explaining and apologizing for the outage. [More]

GoDaddy CEO Shoots Elephant, Sparks Stampede Of Customers To Flee
The CEO of domain name registrar GoDaddy is facing an online furor after the video he posted of himself killing an elephant in Africa went viral. After the elephant dies and CEO Bob Parsons poses next to it, villagers from all around come out to strip and devour the carcass on the spot. Many of them are wearing day-glo orange GoDaddy caps. As these images play in the video, “Hells Bells” provides the soundtrack. Now a backlash movement has started for folks to switch their domain providers away from GoDaddy. [More]

GoDaddy Doesn't Outsource Customer Service
Last week, we posted that a popular web hosting company—GoDaddy, although we didn’t name it at the time—provided a strange customer service experience to a commenter. Cyberguy was contacted via phone by someone from their “Office of the President” after emailing them, but then Cyberguy couldn’t get their rep to state clearly which company he was representing. Cyberguy was rightly suspicious. Was GoDaddy outsourcing its own executive customer service?

Perhaps You Don't Owe GoDaddy $6,579
GoDaddy demanded $6,579 from Adam Fendelman after his disk usage skyrocketed to over 250 GB without warning, vastly exceeding his account’s 150 GB allowance. GoDaddy’s security department launched a “full-scale investigation” and quickly determined that Adam was responsible for both the data binge and the extraordinary bill. Adam refused to let the matter drop…

GoDaddy Hushing Up Customer Credit Card Data Breach?
Did domain name registrar GoDaddy have a credit card security breach that they’re not telling anyone about? That’s what Reader Newcxns thinks. Two weeks ago, one of his Citi cards was replaced. One week later, another. The only thing Citi would tell him is that “a merchant” reported a possible data breach. No merchant has sent any data breach reports to Newcxns. In typical fashion, banks and vendors like to hide it when their security systems fail and compromise your account information.