Mercury Research says The Consumerist is a Radio Hata’
Apparently, we hate radios.
We hate radios because it’s “cool” to hate radios.
That’s according to Mark Ramsey of the Radio Marketing Nexus blog. His company, Mercury Radio Research, conducted the “HD Radio vs. iPod” poll we wrote about.
Mark says,
- “folks who don’t brush up on what they’re talking about only make themselves look like idiots when they post their stupid, half-cocked conclusions in public. If you want a biased presentation of alternatives, just see the way they present them: “gleaming, fresh iPod”? Of course, they’re only kidding. But hidden within that jest is a deep dislike for radio and the “establishment” it represents- a tune as old as James Dean and his chinos.”
We haven’t heard that tune. Anyone got the .mp3? We’d like to put it in our shimmering, verdant iPod. And a “deep dislike for radio” and The Man it represents? Not necessarily the most astute analysis of the data set, stat boys.
His company’s research, as reported in FMQB, a radio industry newsletter, found that people prefer HD radios over iPods, citing “usability.” They surveyed 1000 people across America. Last time, we ran our own poll and got 777 responses, let’s post it again and see if we can at least get as many as they.
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See also Mark’s original blog post, HD Radio preferred over iPods, which lays out some more data slices and critiques, such as, “this tradeoff is like asking folks which they’d rather have, an iron or an HD Radio?” and “It’s a little slice of PR…Nothing more.”
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