After failing to come to terms with a coalition of 11 video game companies, including big names like Electronic Arts and Take-Two Interactive Software Inc., thousands of voice-over actors are now officially on strike. [More]
voices carry

Video Games Could Be A Lot Quieter If Voice Actors Go On Strike
Along with intense graphics and dramatic sound effects, the human voices of video game characters are vital to the gaming experience. But the voices behind some many popular video game titles may soon fall silent as they prepare to go on strike if their union’s demands aren’t met soon. [More]

It’s Official: Yelling Profanities In One Massachusetts Town Will Make You $20 Poorer
Citizens living in Middleborough, Mass. who are accustomed to swearing loudly in public might be picturing $20 bills sprouting wings and fairly flying from their wallets, as residents approved the police chief’s proposed fine on public profanity we heard about in May. [More]

Quiz: Who Is That Celebrity Trying To Sell Me Something?
While there is certainly no shortage of celebrities willing to step in front of the camera to shill for a product, there are countless ads featuring the unidentified voices of famous folks. [More]