It seems like only a few weeks ago that fist fights were breaking out in stores over Zhu Zhu Pets. Because it was. Now that Christmas has passed, the cycle is complete, and retailers are up to their whiskers in robot rodents. [More]
zhu zhu pets

Target Gives Ellen's Zhu Zhu Pet-Loving Son His Job Back
Ellen wrote us last week that her son was one of the Target employees fired for buying Zhu Zhu Pets too early but wasn’t hired back. [More]

Not All Fired Target Employees Who Went Zhu Zhu Crazy Got Their Jobs Back
Target fired employees for prematurely buying Zhu Zhu Pets, then hired them back. Ellen says her son, a former New Jersey Target employee, got the former treatment, but not the latter. [More]

Target Unfires 7 Workers For Buying Zhu Zhus Before Customers Could
7 Buffalo Target employees fired for buying Zhu Zhus, this year’s hot robotic rodent toy, during their shifts have been reinstated. A failure to communicate seems to have been the culprint: [More]

6 More Buffalo Target Employees Fired For Buying Zhu Zhu Hamsters
The Buffalo News reports that a total of seven overnight employees at the Cheektowaga, NY Target store were fired for purchasing Zhu Zhu Pets at the end of their shifts. In a statement to the paper, Target claims that its policy forbidding employees from buying hot items before store opening time was made clear to employees–a claim that the seven now-former employees deny. [More]

Target Cancels Zhu Zhu Pet Order Placed In September, Ruins Christmas
Long before the national robot hamster shortage began, before fights broke out over the toy critters, and even before Consumerist took notice of the trend, Stacey’s daughters wanted Zhu Zhu Pets for Christmas. She ordered two hamsters and a playset for them from in mid-September, and waited for them to come off backorder. And waited. Finally, less than two weeks before Christmas, Target canceled her order. [More]

Zhu Zhu Pets May Contain Poisonous Substance: Should You Care?
This holiday season’s inexplicably hot toy, Zhu Zhu Pets, may be hazardous to your health. And not just because many parents stood outside in the cold for hours to get one. No, according to green ratings guide, the cuddly robot toys contain high levels of the substance antimony, which could be hazardous. [More]

Toys R Us Advertises Zhu Zhu Pet Sale, Forgets To Stock Zhu Zhu Pets
Arnold was excited to receive an e-mail from Toys R Us advertising a special early-bird sale of Zhu Zhu Pets. The inexpensive little robot hamsters are in short supply, and the chain promised critters to the first fifty households who showed up at their local store on Sunday morning. Only Arnold reports that not only did his local store never have any of the battery-operated rodents in stock, it wasn’t open at the advertised hour at all.

Experts Predict Widespread Robotic Hamster Shortages
When you were a child, did you own a hamster? Did you say to yourself, “this pet is okay, but I wish it didn’t poop, bite, or sleep, and that it could skateboard and surf?” Well, envy the children of today.