You’ve watched every single Maru video on YouTube, guffawed countless times at the “hide your kids” guy and every time your friend sends you a link you’re all, “Saw that already.” But will you pay YouTube to watch streaming Internet content? Google is sure hoping so, opening the doors to its paid subscription service yesterday with 30 content creators including The Jim Henson Co. and Ultimate Fighting Championship. [More]

Report: YouTube Introducing Paid Subscription Channels Soon
The Internet is busy buzzing over reports that YouTube has gathered its druthers and is set to launch a paid subscription model for certain video channels very soon. As for how soon, exactly — it could be as early as this week. [More]

April Fools’ Day, Anyone? YouTube Is Shutting Down After 8-Year Quest For Best Video
We’re just gonna go ahead and take everything we read today with a giant grain of salt, as it just so happens to be April 1. In an April Fools’ joke that would likely devastate anyone who’s a fan of funny cat videos or 10-hour loops of Kate Upton on a runway, Google announced today that it’s shutting down YouTube tonight. [More]

Still No Google Maps App For iOS 6, But You Can Now Access Street View
As many people with an iOS device noticed when they upgraded to iOS 6, their Google Maps app had vanished into the ether, replaced with a map app that even Apple admits maybe isn’t that great right now. For people who still wanted to use Google Maps, they could still view them via a web browser, and now Google has turned on Street View. [More]
Fox News Reporters Fired For Being Too Tough on Monsanto Milk
In 1997, the investigative reporting duo of Steve Wilson and Jane Akre cracked a story about Monsanto’s conspiracy to push bovine growth hormone while ignoring the potential risks to its “end users.” Unfortunately, they worked for Fox News. The channel was extremely reticent, to say the least, to run the story after coming under pressure by Monsanto.