There’s a problem in farm country this year: Acres of crops are unexpectedly withering away, but it’s not due to drought or natural blight. Instead, the crisis seems to be related to a new herbicide from Monsanto. Users of the recently released plant-killer didn’t realize it would spread beyond their fields, because — according to a new report — Monsanto skipped over tests that would have highlighted this problem. [More]

Monsanto May Have Ghostwritten Parts Of Reports Concluding That Roundup Is Safe
Glyphosate, the main chemical in the weed-killer Roundup, is one of the most popular herbicides on the planet, but newly unsealed court documents suggest that Roundup’s manufacturer, Monsanto, may have written at least some of an academic research paper used to demonstrate glyphosate’s safety. [More]

State Sues Monsanto For Decades Of Alleged PCB Pollution
The federal government banned the use and production of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in 1979 after determining the chemicals are toxic. However, the state of Washington alleges that Monsanto knew as early as 1937 that the PCBs it produced were dangerous, but that company continued to allow them to pollute the state’s waterways. [More]

Bayer Could Drop Monsanto Name If Mega-Merger Gets Approval
When you’re spending $66 billion on a merger to create the world’s largest seed company, it’s understandable that you’d probably want to keep your brand’s name on the resulting mega-corporation, especially when your betrothed comes saddled with a name like Monsanto. [More]

Monsanto, Bayer Seal The Mega-Seed Merger Deal For $66B
It turns out $65 billion wasn’t quite enough to push Monsanto into Bayer’s seed-loving arms. Instead, it took just $1 billion more: the Missouri-based seed giant agreed late Tuesday to sell itself to Bayer for $66 billion, officially creating the largest seed company in the world. [More]

Report: Monsanto Board Close To Approving Sale To Bayer
The third time could indeed be the charm with regard to Bayer’s pursuit of Monsanto with the Missouri-based seed company’s board reportedly meeting this week to discuss the $65 billion takeover bid that would create the world’s largest seed company. [More]

Bayer Offers $65B In Third Attempt To Buy Monsanto
Perhaps the third time is the charm for a deal between Monsanto and Bayer, as the latter company has once again upped its bid for the Missouri seed and pesticide giant, offering nearly $65 billion to create the world’s largest seed company. [More]

Monsanto Says $62 Billion Bayer Merger Offer Is “Financially Inadequate”
A day after aspirin king Bayer officially offered $62 billion to acquire Missouri seed and pesticide giant Monsanto, the deal already appears troubled, with Monsanto’s board of directors saying the offer isn’t sufficient. [More]

Bayer Officially Offers $62B For Monsanto
Bayer officially wants to expand its CropSciences business and become the world’s largest producer of seeds, pesticides and agricultural chemicals, bidding $62 billion for Monsanto. [More]

Bayer Reportedly Looking To Acquire Monsanto For $40 Billion
When you hear the name Bayer, you probably think of aspirin or other drugs, but the German company has a number of facets, including its sizable CropScience division that produces seeds, pesticides, and other agricultural products. Now comes news that Bayer may be looking to become the world’s largest player in this field (forgive the pun) with a possible acquisition of Monsanto. [More]

Monsanto: Missouri’s Religious Freedom Law Would Let Any Business Discriminate Against LGBT Community
With North Carolina and Mississippi already passing bills that respectively, limit protections against gay and transgender people, and explicitly allow discrimination against the LGBT community, another coalition of big-name companies are hoping to stop Missouri lawmakers from going down the same path, with seed giant Monsanto telling Congress that such rules are bad for business. [More]

Farmers Voice Concern About Possible Monsanto Mega-Merger
Last month, Monsanto, the world’s largest biggest seed seller and a major manufacturer of pesticides, announced its desire to buy Syngenta, the Swiss company that is the world’s largest maker of pesticides and also a seller of seeds. Though Syngenta has twice said no to the takeover attempt, U.S. farmers are concerned about the impact that a merger of these two companies could have on their crops. [More]

Congratulations To Comcast, Your 2014 Worst Company In America!
Four years since winning its first Worst Company tournament, Comcast’s doubted that the Kabletown Krusher could ever regain that 2010 form. But after a few years of letting others hold the title, Comcast was fiercely intent on bringing a second Golden Poo to its Philadelphia lair. And in one of the narrowest Final Death Matches in the centuries’ long history of WCIA battle, Comcast managed to hold the genetically modified body blows of Monsanto. [More]

Who Will Go Head-To-Head In The Worst Company In America Final Death Match?
When the sun rose this morning over the Worst Company In America Salvage Yard, awakening Rusty the lazy junkyard dog who couldn’t scare off a squirrel, four battered, bruised, nauseated, and bed-headed contenders greeted the dawn in contemplative silence, knowing that two of them would be gone by sundown. In their hearts, they hoped to survive the day while the doubting devils whispering in their ears reminded them that a loss could bring sweet relief, an end to the ceaseless brutality of the last few weeks; a victory just meant one more brawl. Now, as we cart the defeated off the battlefield, we leave behind one tournament vet and one WCIA rookie to prepare for Monday’s Final Death Match. [More]

Presenting The Final Four Contenders For Worst Company In America 2014
Can it be? Has there really been so much bloodshed is so little time? It seems like only yesterday when the field of contenders stood before you at the opening ceremonies, waving their logo flags while proudly sporting their WCIA sweaters that Ralph Lauren’s distant cousin Kevin designed especially for the occasion. Now the industrial grade carpeting of the Worst Company Padded Playroom is stained with… well, you don’t actually want to know what all is in there; don’t worry, our friend Terry got us a good deal on a cleaning service and you’d be surprised what a well-placed area rug can cover. But back to more pressing matters… [More]

Time Warner Cable Ekes Out Another Win, To Face Monsanto In Worst Company Quarterfinals!
Two weeks ago, 32 bad businesses entered the Worst Company in America velodrome. But since they didn’t all bring their racing bikes with them, they just began beating the holy snot out of each other for our readers’ amusement. Giants fell, upstarts pulled upsets, and battle-hardened vets relived their glory days when they could more easily lay claim to the Golden Poo. Now, after two rounds of out-and-out, completely organized mayhem, eight contenders still stand, but to quote the greatest movie ever made in the history of films with the word “highlander” in the title: There can be only one. [More]