Cash Tomato, a would-be YouTube! competitor, tried to drum up free advertising by handing out tomatoes wrapped with wads of cash in New York’s Union Square. The event was scheduled to kick-off yesterday at 2:29 p.m. to honor the leap year with giveaways of up to $29. Predictably, a riot ensued as a mob of over 100 overwhelmed the three workers dressed as tomatoes who were holding the cash. Video of the riot, after the jump.
Worst Promotion Ever Causes Riot In Union Square As Hipsters Fight For Cash-Wrapped Tomatoes

NBC Pulls Content From YouTube
NBC said yesterday that it was pulling its content from YouTube in favor of its own video site, “Hulu.”
Southwest Gate Agent Entertains Passengers With Ukelele
Plug in your work headphones and get ready to rock out classic-easy-listening-style.
Man Documents Efforts To Get Off Spam Lists
Our favorite moment: when Halleran asks, “If I cancel my account with you guys, will that stop the mailing?”, and the man on the other end just sighs in angry exasperation.

Get Ready For YouTube Ads
Now Google believes it finally has found the formula to cash in on YouTube’s potential as a magnet for online video advertising and keep its audience loyal at the same time.

User-Generated Content Won't Displace Madison Avenue Anytime Soon
Many people see ads and think they could do better. According to the New York Times, no, they can’t. The Times is following the struggle of H.J. Heinz to find five user-generated ads to air on TV sometime this September. Companies like Heinz are discovering that user-generated content doesn’t save time or money. For the foreseeable future, Madison Avenue will be responsible for creating the ads we love to hate.
Many entries are mediocre, if not downright bad, and sifting through them requires full-time attention. And even the most well-known brands often spend millions of dollars up front to get the word out to consumers.
We prefer YouTube’s user-generated content to the schmaltz spewing from Madison Avenue. What do you think: is the content really worse, or are companies unwilling to step away from their comfort zones? Tell us in the comments. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

You Tube to Offer Old TV Shows
Digital Music said on Monday the deal also includes an agreement to allow certain music, for which it controls the rights, to be used in users’ videos uploaded to YouTube.
YouTubers Post Videos In Response To Verizon Math Call
5Six different video have already gone up on YouTube in response to our upload of George’s original “Verizon Can’t Count” phone call.
Best Buy Employee’s Video On How The Store Screws You Over
Remember, don’t go to Best Buy without doing your product research first. The only thing you should ask a BB employee is “where is this item located?” Or, “where is the exit?” — BEN POPKEN
Hot Tub Dealer Sets Up “Competitive” Fair Where It’s The Only Seller
Much like the pearl buyers in Steinbeck’s The Pearl, Master Spas in Minneapolis sets up a hot tub fair promoted with the line, “15 manufacturer’s compete for your business!” However, the only business actually selling at the convention is Master Spas. KSTP investigates.
Auto Shop Doesn’t Do Any Work It’s Paid To, Hidden Cameras Reveal
Two years ago, the AG sued franchiser Francare Inc. As a result of a settlement, the company agreed to stop deceptive trade practices. Apparently, the suit didn’t make enough of an impression. Perhaps this next one will.
You Tube Video Causes Self-Stirring Cup Fad
What is it about seeing some regular people enjoying a product that makes people want to purchase it? Do people just really need a $30 self-stirring cup, but didn’t know it existed? Will this cause a teaspoon glut? Lately, we noticed advertisers trying to replicate “You Tube” or “blog” style videos in their commercials… but it’s just not the same, is it? —MEGHANN MARCO
Revver Cuts Deal with Verizon
Verizon is obsessed with internet video. One day after inking a similiar deal with internet video giant YouTube, Verizon has added the ad-supported video service Revver to their VCast service as well.
Home Depot Investigated For Scammy Remodelling Services
Home Depot claims you won’t have to deal with subcontractors, but they do use subcontractors. When something goes wrong, and consumers complain, Home Depot avoids or ignores their repeated phone calls and letters.
Verizon To Offer You Tube Videos
Marketwatch reports: “Verizon Wireless will become the first mobile-phone company to allow customers to watch videos from the popular Web site YouTube on their handsets beginning next month, the two companies announced Tuesday. Under the deal, Verizon customers who sign up for the company’s $15-a-month V Cast wireless Internet service would be able to access “a sampling of the most popular videos” from YouTube. The service would be available exclusively to Verizon customers for “a limited time,” though they would need to upgrade their phones to see the videos.”
EXCLUSIVE: Black Friday Best Buy, Vomitorium Of Sexy Shopping
With hidden camera, we prowled the aisles of Best Buy and absorbed the horror and glory of Black Friday.