
Airnergy Charger Generates Electricity From WiFi Signals

Airnergy Charger Generates Electricity From WiFi Signals

One nifty device unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show was the Airnergy Charger, which generates electricity just by snagging WiFi signals. A demo on the showroom floor had it powering a Blackberry from 30% to full in 90 minutes. RCA says they’ll have a USB charger available summer 2010 for $40, with a battery soon to follow. Sweet idea! It remains to be soon how efficient it really is though. [OhGizmo!] [More]

McDonald's To Offer Free Wifi

McDonald's To Offer Free Wifi

What goes better with greasy fries and corn syrupy sodas than delicate electronic equipment? McDonald’s announced today that they plan to roll out free wi-fi in their outlets that currently offer it for a fee. The goal is to make their restaurants more amenable to people hanging out, and gobble up more of Starbucks’ share of the latte-sipping market. [More]

Nokia Breaks Customer's Phone, Wants Money To Fix It

Nokia Breaks Customer's Phone, Wants Money To Fix It

A couple of months ago, Nokia ruined the Wifi capabilities on Chris’s phone, and now he can’t get them to fix it. Well, actually they told him they will fix, but only if he pays for the “repair.” Ah, I see–this is a good secondary revenue strategy, Nokia. Sort of a protection racket! Well played! [More]

Google Offering Temporary Free WiFi Access At 47 Airports

Google Offering Temporary Free WiFi Access At 47 Airports

From now until January 15th, 2010, Google will offer free WiFi access at 47 airports around the country. As part of the promotion, they’ll be collecting donations through Google Checkout for three non-profit organizations and will provide matching funds up to $250,000. But whether you donate or not, there’s a much better chance now that you’ll be able to go online while waiting for your flight. Imagine all the airline tips you can send to us!

Hilton Complimentary Internet Access In Lobby Costs $10 A Day

Hilton Complimentary Internet Access In Lobby Costs $10 A Day

At Hilton Washington Dulles Airport hotel, everything is complimentary! That’s because to them “complimentary” actually means “for a price.” Last week, a linguistics professor tried to take advantage of their “Complimentary High-speed Internet access on the lobby level,” which is how they describe the service on their website. He quickly discovered that he’d have to agree to a $9.99 charge in order to get the free service.

Borders To Offer Free Wifi

Borders To Offer Free Wifi

Later this month, Borders and Verizon will roll out free Wifi access in “virtually all” Borders stores, with no password or access fee required. Borders’ CEO Ron Marshall says their goal is to extend “the open atmosphere of exploration that is at the core of every great bookstore experience,” and then he said something about building a community, yakkity yak. You know how press releases are. Whatever, Marshall, we’re just happy you’re offering free Wifi access!

AT&T To Offer Free Wi-Fi Hotspot Access To Windows Mobile Users

AT&T To Offer Free Wi-Fi Hotspot Access To Windows Mobile Users

If you have a WinMo smartphone, you’re in luck. (Wow, I never thought I’d be typing that.) Starting September 14th, AT&T will open up its approximately 20,000 Wi-Fi hotspots to Windows Mobile customers with “qualifying plans.” According to AT&T, that should mean most WinMo customers as “most [already] have a qualifying data plan.”

People Love Airplane Wi-Fi, But They Don't Love Paying For It

People Love Airplane Wi-Fi, But They Don't Love Paying For It

The WSJ’s latest “Middle Seat” column is about that holy grail for all internet-lovers — airplane Wi-Fi. It turns out that people love, love, love it… but pay for it? Nah.

Wi-Fi Coming To Southwest Airlines Next Year

Wi-Fi Coming To Southwest Airlines Next Year

Southwest says a test of Wi-Fi on its planes was successful, so they’re going to expand the service to all of their planes next year.

Free Wifi For All At Barnes & Noble Stores

Free Wifi For All At Barnes & Noble Stores

The new ebook offering from Barnes & Noble may not be that compelling–it’s all the DRM badness of Amazon, but not always the lower prices–and yet something awesome has come out of it. Starting immediately, all customers can access free Wi-Fi in any B&N store.

Access Commercial WiFi Hotspots At Airports For Free

Access Commercial WiFi Hotspots At Airports For Free

We all know the crushing defeat of logging onto an open WiFi hotspot at an airport only to discover that you need to pay to reach the internet. No more! If the portal has a space for promotion codes, go ask the gift shop if they have a coupon for free access. If they don’t, you’re not out of options…

One Man's Publicity Stunt Is Another's Vision Of Hell

One Man's Publicity Stunt Is Another's Vision Of Hell

I mentioned comedian and filmmaker Mark Malkoff in passing in a post about Starbucks last week, not knowing that he would embark on a new project this week. He’s making a career out of bizarre feats of consumer endurance, such as visiting all 171 Manhattan Starbucks outlets in one day, and living in the Paramus, NJ IKEA for a week. Now, as part of a campaign to publicize AirTrain’s new in-flight wi-fi, he’s living on an AirTran plane for 30 days and posting his adventures on the Internet. Yes. That’s an entire month. Most of which will probably be spent on the tarmac in Atlanta.

Comcast: Don't Use Your Residential Account To Sell WiFi To Apartment Buildings

Comcast: Don't Use Your Residential Account To Sell WiFi To Apartment Buildings

OceanNet is a company that provides building-wide WiFi to residential buildings in Ocean City, Maryland. One problem — the WiFi was really just some guy’s Comcast account.

Will You Pay $12.95 For WiFi On United Airlines?

Will You Pay $12.95 For WiFi On United Airlines?

United Airlines has announced that passengers on flights from New York City to Los Angeles and San Francisco will soon have access to WiFi… for $12.95.

The WiFi Porn Party Is Over At American Airlines

The WiFi Porn Party Is Over At American Airlines

American Airlines has changed its mind about its liberal anti-porn-filtering policy and will, indeed, attempt to stop that guy in a trench coat from downloading naughty content.

Verizon's Policy Blog V. SmarterChild

Verizon's Policy Blog V. SmarterChild

Verizon’s so-called “policy blog” is a grotesquely self-serving marketing orifice, perhaps the worst corporate blog we’ve ever read. We decided to stack Verizon’s inane sales schmaltz against the internet’s preeminent bullshit-spewing chatbot, SmarterChild….

The Idiot-Proof Way To Securely Use Public Wi-Fi

The Idiot-Proof Way To Securely Use Public Wi-Fi

We talk a lot on this blog about personal data and privacy, but not so much about how to secure that data on your own computer. That’s because a.) we’re not Lifehacker and b.) the solutions frequently bloat into crazy, jargon-filled recipes that scare away the non-IT crowd. Not this time! For all you novices, here is a single idea you should consider that will help keep your personal data personal, and make your identity that much harder to steal.


Chrysler announces WiFi-enabled cars: “We want to make the radio itself a WiFi port,” a spokesperson said. The service will require a subscription to a wireless phone carrier. [Washington Post]