What are the flavors of Easter? We know that the flavors of Valentine’s Day are red velvet and strawberry shortcake, and the flavors of fall are pumpkin spice and caramel apple, but the Easter candy season apparently needs more novelty flavors. That’s why Hershey has brought us white chocolate-based carrot cake kisses. At least they aren’t plain carrot cake flavor? [More]
white chocolate

Easter Sundae M&Ms Feature Chocolate And Mysterious White Substance
Here at Consumerist, we love and love to hate novelty flavors of classic candies and cookies, like root beer float cookies or pumpkin spice latte M&Ms. The snack wizards over at M&M HQ now have to crank out multiple holiday flavors of their candy-coated chocolate treats every season, because different retailers want their own custom flavors. This year and this spring, they’re making “Easter Sundae” flavor for Walmart, which unfortunately isn’t much of a flavor. [More]

There Are People Who Actually Like White Chocolate (Even If It’s Not Really Chocolate)
Bring up white chocolate to most people and you’ll likely get a nose wrinkle and a, “Who eats white chocolate?”* Seriously — that just happened to me within the hour when discussing this post. But the answer is Brazil, for starters, along with a bunch of other countries where the white chocolate business is booming (even though it’s not reeeally chocolate). [More]

At Least White Chocolate Pringles Are Only A Seasonal Offering
We never wanted or needed dessert Pringles, but they still exist, because the world is a cruel and unrelenting place. Last year, white chocolate peppermint chips invaded grocery shelves. Deciding that this wasn’t terrible enough, this year Pringles has brought us plain old white chocolate. Wait, I thought everything for Christmas had to be mint-flavored! [More]