Time and time again, we hear that money is the biggest problem for married couples, and yes, the main cause of divorce. It’s a problem that starts before most couples tie the knot. [More]

Atlanta Couple Invites 200 Homeless People To Dinner After Daughter Calls Off Her Wedding
As the ancient Sumerian saying goes: Waste not, want not. And it was the waste of a four-course dinner for 200 guests that one couple decided against, after their daughter called off her wedding 40 days before the scheduled nuptials. Instead of simply canceling the event, the parents still held it — inviting 200 of Atlanta’s homeless to a dinner reception. [More]

How To Throw A Scotland Wedding With 70 Guests For Only $1.56
As I’m in the midst of helping a very wonderful friend make her way down the aisle toward wedded bliss, I’ve been privvy to a few exclamations of, “That costs how much?*” It’s an expensive endeavor, to be sure: the average cost of a wedding in the United States was a whopping $28,400. Take heart, then, that a couple in Scotland managed to pull off a wedding and invite 70 guests for the low low price of £1, or about $1.56. [More]

You Probably Can’t Sell Your Disastrous Wedding Cake On eBay, No Matter How Awful It Looks
In case you haven’t heard, weddings can be very expensive. And the part that most guests care a whole lot about, the cake, is no exception. So what recourse when a bride take when the cake of her dreams arrives and is more of a dessert nightmare? One unsatisfied customer took the Internet shaming route by putting the monstrous thing up for sale on eBay. [More]

Fictional Character Betty Crocker Provides Real Cakes For Minnesota’s First Gay Weddings
People worldwide continue to disagree vehemently on the subject of civil marriage for same-sex couples, but everyone can agree that free cake is a nice thing. The first legally binding gay marriages in Minnesota will happen after midnight on August 1st, and three lucky couples will have free wedding cakes courtesy of Minnesota-based General Mills. [More]

Chick Fil-A Franchisees, Bridal Store Owner, Designer Team Up To Help Bride Who Lost Dress In Tornado
When the owners of a Chick fil-A franchise in Oklahoma found out that one of their employees had lost her wedding dress to the tornado that recently tore a path of devastation through Moore, OK, they decided to do something about it. But their one phone call set off a chain reaction of niceness. [More]

IKEA Couple Adds To Trend Of Marrying In The Retail Store Where They First Met
Did you just meet your soulmate, your forever and ever partner on this journey we call life? Okay then stop — are you in a retail store? Mark the location because the trendy thing to do these days is to get married exactly where you met. Joining couples like the one that got married recently at Walmart, a twosome who found love in the aisle of an IKEA tied the knot in the same store that played host to cupid eight years ago. [More]

Couple Who Met In The Aisles Of Walmart Gets Hitched In Layaway Section
Proving that not all Walmart romances have to be of the Craiglist “Missed Connections” kind, and giving hope to all those lonely souls wandering the aisles late at night searching for love or something like it (a can of frosting is one serving, right?), a couple who met at Walmart in 2005 got hitched in the store’s layaway. Because sometimes love takes time, see? [More]

Think You Can Tell A $99 Wedding Dress From An $1,800 One?
Times used to be, you wanted to buy a wedding dress, you had to go to bridal shops boasting designer creations, with the prices to match. But now retailers are getting into the wedding game, providing cheaper options for customers. Target just threw its veil into the ring with its new line of bridal gowns starting at the low price of $99, which made us wonder — can anyone even pick out the less expensive gowns from their pricier counterparts? [More]

The Average Wedding In 2012 Came With A $28,400 Price Tag
Are you thinking of getting married? We hope you’ve been attentive to your piggy bank if you’re considering a celebration anything like the average wedding last year — one wedding website says brides and grooms (and their generous families, perhaps) shelled out an average of $28,427 on the big shebang in 2012. [More]

Howard Johnson Gives Away Block Of Rooms Reserved For Wedding Because It Doesn’t Know How To Say No To Mumford & Sons Fans
A bride-to-be got some bad news last week about a block of rooms she’d reserved at a Howard Johnson Inn in St. Augustine — they had all been given away to Mumford & Sons fans and there was nothing that could be done about it. [More]

Couple Claims That Bakery Refused To Make Cake For Same-Sex Wedding
What’s a wedding without a cake? A decidedly less delicious one, which is why couples heading for the altar are in the habit of testing out cakes before the big day so they can choose their favorite. In other words, they get to eat a lot of cake to find a winner. But one same-sex couple in Oregon is claiming in a complaint filed with the state’s attorney general’s office that their experience at a local bakery was far from fun when the owner refused to sell them a cake. [More]

My Wedding Band Missed My Wedding, And Macy’s Won’t Refund Rush Shipping
Okay, Ree probably should have ordered her wedding band a little earlier. Ordering it on November 21 for a November 30 wedding isn’t too bad, though: there are six whole business days for it to show up! That’s why she accepted the financial penalty of paying for faster shipping. Everything should have been fine. Until, apparently, everything that could go wrong with shipping a piece of jewelry within the same country did. The truck broke down. The ring was delivered to the wrong house. The ring was delivered to the wrong door of the wrong house. In the meantime, Ree had managed to find the same ring in stock at another store in the area. They got married, came back from the honeymoon, and… the original ring hadn’t showed up yet. [More]

Hurricane Forces Bride & Groom To Celebrate Wedding In A Gym While They Lose $10K On Reception Hall
Among all the recent hurricane-related horror stories coming out of New Jersey, the tale of a young couple losing $10,000 and having to hold their reception in a school gymnasium is certainly not the absolute worst, but it didn’t have to happen that way. [More]

500 Couples Actually Competed To Get Married In An IKEA
In the past when we’ve written about oddball retail or fast food weddings, it seemed like the entire planning portion of the nuptials involved asking a manager “Hey, is it cool if we get married here?” But it looks there were quite a number of Australian couples looking to say “I do” surrounded by Grundtals, Vidjas, and Hemneses. [More]

Fancy Hotel Wedding Planner Doesn’t Understand How Email’s “CC” Function Works
We’ve all had the horrible “Oh no no I sent that hilarious yet inappropriate email to everyone in the entire office” moment, but there’s a difference between slipping up and hitting the “reply all” function, and adding someone as a “cc” or carbon copy (remember paper?) recipient. Which must mean the wedding planner at a fancy British hotel who accidentally revealed her truly snooty feelings about a couple just doesn’t know how to use email. [More]

Comfort Inn Boots Wedding Guests From Overbooked Hotel, Doesn’t Seem To Care
When you book a block of eight rooms at a hotel, 18 months in advance no less, you’d expect to have a little leverage when the place suddenly realizes it’s been overbooked. At the very least, you’d expect a little bit of respect. But a woman in New Jersey says the folks at Comfort Inn were not terribly comforting when they told guests who had reserved rooms for a nearby wedding that they would have to stay elsewhere. [More]