First there was the oft-maligned Google Glasses, then Snapchat’s Spectacles. Now, it looks like Amazon may be getting into high-tech eyewear.

Report: Amazon Working On Smart Glasses

Jawbone Preparing To Shut Down, Liquidate All Its Assets
After years of fighting with its rival Fitbit over fitness trackers, Jawbone, the personal electronics company that was once valued at almost $3 billion, is reportedly preparing to shut everything down and sell off all of its assets. [More]

Google & Levi’s Will Sell A $350 “Smart” Jean Jacket
There are devices you wear on your wrist or maybe strapped around your arm, but Levi’s and Google have gone a step further in the realm of so-called “wearables” with a jacket that wirelessly connects with the user’s smart phone. [More]

Fitbit Buying Smartwatch Maker Pebble’s Software, Hiring Engineers
Smartwatches and other wearables just haven’t caught on as much as the electronics industry assumed that they would. Pebble — a smartwatch company most famous for pre-selling its products on Kickstarter only to then make sure that Best Buy shoppers got their orders first — has confirmed that it is shutting down and selling off its various assets. You can now count Fitbit among the scavengers picking at Pebble’s bones. [More]

Apple Is Reportedly Thinking About Developing Digital Glasses
With all the millennials lining up to snag a pair of Snapchat’s new smart sunglasses from a vending machine, it seems other tech companies are paying attention: according to a new report, Apple is apparently thinking of developing digital glasses. [More]

Report: Microsoft Likely Won’t Make Another Wearable Band
Two years after Microsoft entered the wearable market with its Band fitness devices, it appears the tech company may be throwing in the towel, at least for now. [More]

Nintendo Delays Pokémon Go Wearable Release Until September
Pokémon Go fever is now global, but the frenzy over the game will eventually fizzle out a bit. That’s inevitable. That’s why it’s a bad sign that Nintendo has announced that a new wearable device that goes with the game has been delayed by two months. [More]

Can Hackers Track Movement Of Wearable Devices To Figure Out PINs & Passwords?
When you enter a PIN or password on your smartwatch or other wearable, you might take great effort to shield the letters and numbers you enter from public view. However, a newly released report suggests that hackers could, in theory, trace users’ hand movements on wearable devices to figure out how to access their personal accounts.

A Few Apple Watch Users Are Complaining About Rashes
People get rashes. For every plant, animal, metal, or polymer that exists, there is most likely someone out there who has an itchy skin reaction after contact with it. Yet the popularity of wearable gadgets means that people are now paying hundreds of dollars for devices that they’re supposed to wear constantly. Yes, wearable technology will cause rashes, even the much-hyped Apple Watch. [More]

Apple Confirms: Tattoos May Mess With Apple Watch
Following last week’s launch of the Apple Watch, some tattooed users of the device complained that their new smartwatches weren’t working properly when worn on heavily inked wrists. Apple has now updated its website to explain that there is indeed the chance that a user’s tattoo may interfere with the sensors on the Apple Watch. [More]

AmEx, Jawbone Partnership Allows Customers To Buy Things Using Fitness Trackers
Using your phone to pay for things at the register is so 2014. With the soon-to-be released Apple Watch allowing payments to be made with a flick of the wrist, other wearable companies are jumping on the bandwagon. Case in point: a new joint venture from Jawbone and American Express. [More]

Apple Continues To Surprise No One, Officially Removes Rival Fitness Trackers From Stores
In a signal that the Apple Watch’s arrival is nigh, Apple’s retail stores across the country are apparently ditching other fitness and health wearables. [More]

Dole Introduces The Wearable Banana, Giving Tokyo Marathon Runners Their Heart Rate And A Snack
There’s no denying that wearable technology is popular with consumers; from the Fitbit to the highly anticipated Apple Watch. But there’s a new wearable that not only provides users with information about their health, but also with a snack. [More]

LG Introduces House Arrest Wristbands For Small Children
We adults enjoy quantifying our every move with wearable technology like pedometer wristbands and other fitness-tracking gadgets, so why leave our kids out of the fun? Yesterday, LG announced that they’re introducing a wristband for kids that’s a hybrid of a tracking anklet used by the criminal justice system and your child’s first cell phone. [More]

Can’t Decide Which Smartwatch To Buy? No Worries, Amazon’s Here To Help
Wearables are all the rage. But are you too indecisive to actually choose which product best suits your needs, or lack the time to research the hundreds of different options available? Fear no more, technology-hungry consumer, because your knight in shining armor has arrived: Amazon. [More]