We hope you’ve got your office’s WCIA pool all set, because it’s time for the bloodshed to begin. First up in the Worst Company Dodecahedron Of Doom — two cable and Internet providers that aren’t as big as Comcast, but which customers hate anyway. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 1: Cablevision Vs. Time Warner Cable

Here Are Your Contestants For The 2013 Worst Company In America Tournament!
After sorting through a record number of nominations from you, the readers of Consumerist, we’ve spent the last few days culling that massive list down to the 32 businesses deemed most worthy of vying for the title of Worst Company In America 2013! [More]

EA Admits Its Own Stupidity, Will Give Away Free Games To People Who Bought SimCity
After days of being the gaming world’s punching bag for its failure to foresee that it was woefully unprepared for the number of users who would want to begin playing the long-awaited latest edition of SimCity, the folks at EA, the reigning Worst Company In America, are apologizing and admitting they made a stupid mistake. [More]

Keep Those Worst Company In America Nominations Coming!
Earlier this week, we began taking nominations from Consumerist readers for this year’s Worst Company In America tournament, and we’ve already received a deluge of e-mails. But we want more! So keep the nominations coming. [More]

Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Dogs Of WCIA: Send Us Your Nominations For Worst Company In America 2013!
Winter slumbering in the open air, wears on his smiling face a dream of Spring… and of pitting big bad consumer-unfriendly businesses against each other in the Consumerist Worst Company In America Battledrome! [More]

Keep On Rocking: EA Not Shutting Down Rock Band For iPhone
Good news, rockers! We heard back from our friends at EA, and yesterday’s panic over the kill switch on Rock Band for iPhone was premature. They tell us that the in-app message was an error, and you can buy the game with confidence if you feel so inclined. [More]

Keep Those Worst Company In America Nominations Coming
Since announcing that we’re now accepting nominations for Worst Company In America, we’ve received thousands of suggestions encompassing everything from individual etsy sellers to global conglomerates to fictional entities. And if you haven’t yet taken the opportunity to put in your two cents (figuratively speaking; we don’t charge a fee), you still have a few days left. [More]

Catch The Golden Poo On Your Local News This Morning
The golden poo and I are beaming live into a few local news stations this morning pump the Worst Company in America contest. Here’s when and where we’ll be: [More]

Nexon Isn't Worst Company In America, Yet
When we began polling readers about companies they thought should be on this year’s Worst Company in America ballot, we started noticing quite a few nominations for a certain company: No, not AIG, last year’s Golden Poo recipient. Not perennial bad boys Bank of America, Comcast or Best Buy. Not even Toyota, this year’s wild child. What company earned the opprobrium of voters, and still didn’t make the cut? Korean gaming company Nexon, that’s who. Nexon? Yeah, we were surprised, too. [More]

What Is The Worst Company In America? We Won't Know Unless You Tell Us
Last year it was AIG, before that, Bank of America (Countrywide). Who will take home the golden turd this year? Will it finally be Comcast, the Buffalo Bills of the WCIA contest? Or will Bank of America come back strong after being knocked out by AIG? We won’t know unless you tell us who you want in the competition. You pick the companies, you pick the winner. [More]

Award Your Own Golden Poo To That Special Company In Your Life
We tallied the votes and awarded the coveted Golden Poo trophy to AIG, winners of Worst Company in America 2009. However, we’re all about empowering the consumer. If there’s a company in your life that you feel deserves a Golden Poo of its own, though not on the epic scale of AIG, ThinkGeek has you covered. Order your own tiny golden poo charm for just such an occasion. Carry a pocketful and award them as needed! Attach one to your cell phone for good luck the next time you call the cable company! The possibilities are endless. [ThinkGeek] (Thanks, Adam!) Edit: ThinkGeek is now sold out. For an wide selection of poo bling, look here.

Don't Forget To Vote In Round 2 Of WCIA '09
If you haven’t done so yet, visit our posts for the round two competitors for Worst Company in America—we’ve got 7 face-offs ready for your vote, and the final one will go up next week (Circuit City vs. BoA, if you’re following the bracket.) Is Ticketmaster’s stranglehold on the live event industry worse than United Health Care’s capacity for denying valid insurance claims? Does bailout-tainted AIG deserve the title more than regular-tainted Peanut Corp? Only you can decide!

Submit Your Nominations For 2009 Worst Company In America Contest
It’s that time of year again, folks. Brackets, Brackets, Brackets. Please help us out by emailing your nominations to us a tips@consumerist.com. Put “WCIA” in your subject or your nomination will not count. Please behave yourselves and nominate one company per email address. Nominated companies should provide goods or services to consumers. Thank you, and may God bless the United States of America.