Welcome to Consumerist’s 7th Annual Worst Company In America tournament, where the businesses you nominated face off for a title that none of them will publicly admit to wanting — but which all of them try their hardest to earn. So it’s time to fill in the brackets and start another office pool. That is, unless you work at one of the 32 companies competing in the tournament. [More]
golden poo

Would BP Benefit By Acknowledging Worst Company In America Win?
For six years, Consumerist readers have picked a winner in the Worst Company In America tournament. And in those six years, while one or two companies in the brackets have made mention of the contest — if only to poke fun at the winner — no WCIA champ has come forth to accept the title. But there are some who feel like the winners would benefit by exhibiting some humility and publicly accepting the Golden Poo. [More]

Congratulations BP: You’re The Worst Company In America!
On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon, an offshore oil rig leased by BP to drill for oil in the Gulf of Mexico, caught fire following an explosion. The disaster left 11 men dead and spilled millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf. For the cost-cutting efforts that ultimately led to this catastrophe — along with others in Texas and Alaska that have killed more than a dozen more employees, injured hundreds and leaked toxic chemicals into the air and water — thousands of Consumerist voters have selected BP as the Worst Company In America. [More]

Welcome To The 6th Annual Worst Company In America Tournament!
Ladies and gentlemen of business, it’s our proud honor to welcome you, your staff, your customers and your CEO to the opening of the 6th annual Worst Company In America tournament! It’s a knockdown drag out battle to the death. 32 companies go in, but only one can come out. It’s like Highlander, Battle Royale, the Hunger Games, and Survivor all rolled into one delicious, much-less-profitable package. So without further ado, let us turn it over to a silly video of Ben Popken playing basketball. [More]

Award Your Own Golden Poo To That Special Company In Your Life
We tallied the votes and awarded the coveted Golden Poo trophy to AIG, winners of Worst Company in America 2009. However, we’re all about empowering the consumer. If there’s a company in your life that you feel deserves a Golden Poo of its own, though not on the epic scale of AIG, ThinkGeek has you covered. Order your own tiny golden poo charm for just such an occasion. Carry a pocketful and award them as needed! Attach one to your cell phone for good luck the next time you call the cable company! The possibilities are endless. [ThinkGeek] (Thanks, Adam!) Edit: ThinkGeek is now sold out. For an wide selection of poo bling, look here.

How To Deliver AIG's Golden Poo Trophy?
Here are three beauty shots of the “Lucky Golden Poo” trophy we shall bestow upon AIG, glorious 2009 victors in our Worst Company In America contest. Ain’t she purty? The big question now is… how should we deliver it? Plop your suggestions in the comments.