Earlier this year, Walmart pledged to increase its starting wages, affecting about 40% of its workforce, but some employees who’ve been with the company for years and may not be affected by the pay hikes aren’t thrilled. [More]

Walmart, Sears, Amazon & Other Retailers Agree Not To Sell Realistic-Looking Toy Guns In NY
Almost eight months after New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sent cease-and-desist letters to several retailers including Amazon, Walmart, Sears and Kmart, those companies have agreed not to sell realistic-looking guns in the state. [More]

Walmart Customer With Tourette’s Claims She Was Kicked Out Of Store, Told Not To Return
A Florida woman with Tourette’s syndrome is suing Walmart, claiming she was banned from the store, in violation of the American with Disabilities Act. She and her husband are seeking more than $2.2 million in damages for emotional distress. [More]

Walmart Advises Manufacturers Against Misleading Packaging
In apparent response to increased scrutiny on retail overcharging and manufacturers who are trying to hide the fact that customers are getting less than they used to, Walmart has asked its suppliers to make sure that their packaging isn’t misleading to customers. [More]

Judge Backtracks On Walmart Shoplifter’s Lifetime Ban From All U.S. Stores
Earlier this week a Walmart shoplifter said she likely wouldn’t follow a court order barring her from stepping inside any of the retailer’s thousands of locations. Turns out, that might not have been such a brazen statement after all, as the judge who handed down the lifetime ban clarified that he didn’t really mean to prevent the woman from entering all stores. [More]

From Apple To Walmart, Over A Dozen Of The Biggest Businesses In The U.S. Sign On To White House Climate Pledge
A huge number of the world’s nations are coming together in Paris this December to negotiate an agreement to stem emissions and forestall further climate change. Ahead of this winter’s United Nations talks, however, some well-known names here at home are pledging their own contributions to the cause. [More]

Shoplifter Says Lifetime Ban From Walmart Won’t Stop Her From Shopping There
Much like there are people driving with suspended or revoked licenses, not everyone banned from life from entering a Walmart abides by that order. But most of these folks don’t go around brazenly telling reporters that they intend to violate a court order. [More]

Walmart Ending Overnight Shopping Hours At More 24-Hour Stores
If you’re used to shopping at Walmart at 3 a.m., you might need to revamp your schedule. The nation’s largest retailer has decided to close the doors to overnight shoppers at dozens of 24-hour locations. [More]

Walmart’s Getting Really Sassy About Amazon Prime Day
While the Internet mocked Amazon’s new shopping holiday, Prime Day, and waited for a cheap large TV that they had no chance to buy, competing mega-retailer Walmart declared their own day of deals. Now that Prime Day has passed, Walmart is still making fun of the weaknesses of Amazon’s event. [More]

Now Your Kid Can Enjoy A Disney-Licensed MP3 Player That’s Older Than She Is
The first film in the live-action Disney franchise High School Musical was released in 2006. Like all Disney properties, it came with a significant amount of licensed merchandise, since that’s how Disney keeps Mickey Mouse in cheddar. So this movie-branded MP3/WMA player found on a shelf at Walmart wouldn’t really have attracted our attention…if it were still 2007. [More]

Walmart Worker Suing Retailer Claiming Its Previous Benefits Policy Discriminated Against Same-Sex Couples
A Walmart employee who married her wife before the company changed its policy to extend health insurance benefits to same-sex couples is now suing the retail giant, claiming it violated gender discrimination laws. [More]

Starbucks, 17 Other Companies Partner To Provide “Opportunity Youth” With Jobs, Internships
Teaching young adults responsibility — and showing them that responsibility can have financial benefits — pays off in the long run by cultivating a solid work ethic. That’s the thinking behind a new multi-company initiative spearheaded by Starbucks. [More]

Walmart Crashes Amazon’s Deal-Filled Birthday Party, Announces Its Own Mega Online Sale
UPDATE: Just hours after Walmart pointedly announced it would offer its own mega-sale in response to Amazon’s Prime-member only deal day happening on Wednesday, the online retailer released its own barbed statement, reminding consumers they could avoid missing all the deals by simply signing up for a free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime. [More]

This 9-Year-Old MP3 Player Is Ready For The Latest Tunes, Costs $300
If you weren’t all that familiar with technology, this “portable media center” that reader S. found in the clearance section at Walmart might seem like a reasonable enough purchase. What isn’t obvious until you look more closely is that the $300 price tag has been on the box since 2011. What isn’t obvious until you perform a quick Google search is that the PMC7230 has been on the market since 2006, which would explain why it’s still languishing on the shelf. [More]

Walmart Manager Accused Of Conspiring In $78,000 Robbery
In the past, Consumerist has reported on several employees who could certainly take the title of worst employee at Walmart: the man arrested for stealing cash from a customer and food from the company’s deli, the woman who allegedly stole $10,000 in cash and gift cards while working as a cashier, or the long-time employee who stole $250,000 over several years. Today, we add another candidate to the list: an Oklahoma store manager who allegedly conspired to help another man steal $78,000 from the store. [More]

Walmart Also Selling Mislabeled “Made In America” Products In Stores
Last week, an advertising watchdog group called out Walmart’s website for selling more than 100 products labeled as “Made in the U.S.A.” even though they were manufactured in other countries. Now comes a local news report showing that the confusing problem isn’t relegated to Walmart.com. [More]

Report Finds 100+ Walmart.com Products Labeled “Made In U.S.A.” That Were Made Elsewhere
While there is no official review process required for labeling a product as “Made in the U.S.A.,” a company can get into legal trouble for misusing that label, as doing so may constitute false advertising. A new report from an advertising watchdog group claims that Walmart’s website has more than 100 examples of products incorrectly marketed as made in America. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Wal-Mart Are Virus-Proof Through 2011
The Raiders of the Lost Walmart are the brave retail archaeologists who comb our nation’s retail stores for hopelessly outdated electronics at comically high prices. The items may not always be useless or dangerous, but they are destined to either be purchased by clueless customers or to sit on the shelf indefinitely. [More]