
Results: Which Walmart Core Customer Are You?

Results: Which Walmart Core Customer Are You?

Here’s the results of last-weeks poll where we asked, of the three core customer types Walmart is focusing its efforts on, which are you? The definitions of the types are:

Worst Company In America 2007: Final Four

Worst Company In America 2007: Final Four

We’re down to the Final Four gladiators to determine the Worst Company in America. Or at least, which company this year most offends the netizen’s liberal sensibilities Launches "Site-to-Store" Shipping Launches "Site-to-Store" Shipping

Thousands of products carried online at are eligible for the Site to Store service. Specific Site to Store messaging is featured on eligible product pages to let customers know the online item can be shipped to a local Wal-Mart store for free. During checkout, customers can choose the Site to Store option, select the store where they’ll ship their items and even see the amount saved on shipping.

Will any of you use this? It’ll be available nationwide by the end of the summer.—MEGHANN MARCO

LEAKS: Walmart PowerPoint On "3 Customer" Plan

LEAKS: Walmart PowerPoint On "3 Customer" Plan Down.

Round 12: Verizon vs Walmart

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FBI Investigation: Is Walmart Reading Your Email?

“What we’re told here is that Wal-Mart had security officials who were monitoring e-mails, but somehow the monitoring got out of control,” said Williams, who broke the news on CNBC.

No word yet on the extent of the problem or who was targeted by the Walmart spies. —MEGHANN MARCO

POLL: Which Walmart Customer Are You?

Walmart announced it’s revitalizing its business plan by focusing on three core customer types. We know we’ve been totally cracked out on polls lately but…

Walmart's 3 Customers

Walmart's 3 Customers

After a series of marketing and merchandise blunders, Walmart is trying to turn around its falling profits by breaking down existing customers into three groups and refocusing on these shoppers, NYT reports.

Walmart Nazi Tshirt Watch: Week 15

Walmart Nazi Tshirt Watch: Week 15

15 weeks after Walmart agreed to remove Nazi tshirts from its shelves, they’re still there.

Walmart Brand Chicken: Now With Steel Hex Nut?

Walmart Brand Chicken: Now With Steel Hex Nut?

Well, this is gross: Now included with your bag of Walmart’s “Great Value” house brand chicken breasts…a steel hex nut off of a very large bolt. We’ve heard of getting a prize in a box of cracker jacks, but this is ridiculous. Our tipster assures us:

No word if the nut also comes in BBQ flavor.

The chicken’s owner has informed the USDA, but has not heard back. Ew. Just, ew. More photos inside.—MEGHANN MARCO

Round 8: Monsanto vs Walmart

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Walmart: No Comment After SuperCenter Snake Bites Seven Shoppers

Walmart: No Comment After SuperCenter Snake Bites Seven Shoppers

Walmart refuses to address the plight of Jason Page, whose hand is paralyzed after a bite from a 1.5 foot-long pygmy rattlesnake. Page is the seventh known victim to suffer a snake bite at a Walmart.

Reaching down for a second pot, he said, he felt a sudden pain, and after lifting up his arm, discovered the rattler “still hanging on to my finger.”

Smokey Bear Says 5-Light Multi-colored Floor Lamps Cause Campus Fires

Smokey Bear Says 5-Light Multi-colored Floor Lamps Cause Campus Fires

SUNY Fredonia warns a cheap decorative lamp is setting dorm rooms on fire. Pretty, inexpensive lamps like these can often be found in college dorms and studio apartments.

In two separate student rooms, the plastic shades melted on the lamps. In one room, this caused the build-up of toxic fumes and the melted plastic from the shade burned a hole in the bedspread. The second instance involved another student who had turned on the lamp and, within 15 minutes, the shade melted and the heat began to turn a poster on the wall brown.

Underwriters Laboratories, the group that certifies that things won’t burn down dorms and studio apartments, believes the lamp in question is different from the one they approved. They are withholding their seal from new lamps, effectively shutting down production.

Is Costco "The Anti-Walmart"?

Is Costco "The Anti-Walmart"?

This formula has generated fierce loyalty among both shoppers and workers while rewarding long-term investors…the company also has managed to make discount shopping fashionable for affluent Americans by offering fine wines, books and big-screen televisions at low prices, and staples such as paper towels and razor blades in bulk.

The Great Peanut Butter Recall of 2007

The Great Peanut Butter Recall of 2007

The typical conversation goes something like this:

Video Of Teenagers Breakdancing Inside Walmart

This jazzy trio of teenage youths perform an extended series of breakdances inside their local Walmart (dancing starts about 45 seconds in). The moves and video are actually pretty well done. Who knew that Walmart could be such a wellspring of joy and self-expression?

Management Shake Up At Walmart

Management Shake Up At Walmart

CNNMoney blames sales:

“The changes follow disappointing sales growth in the United States after store renovations disrupted business and customers balked at some attempts to sell trendier merchandise.”

Yeah, but how does Vazquez feel about hentai? —MEGHANN MARCO

Walmart Nazi Shirts In Chicago Tribune, Thanks To Our Readers

Walmart’s Nazi Tshirts are in the Chicago Tribune, and drawing the ire of members of Congress, thanks to the dogged flow sightings and pictures by Consumerist readers published on this site.