LEAKS: Walmart PowerPoint On "3 Customer" Plan

UPDATE: You can download the slides in full from these two sites:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IBCTP2LY Down.

UPDATE: Walmart Wins Because We Fumbled
Walmart Sends Us DMCA Takedown Letter For Slideshow
Walmart Confirms Slideshow, Positively Spins “Conscientious Objectors”

We received what appears to be an internal Walmart PowerPoint presentation detailing its plan to break down it customers into three core segments, a strategy that announced last week.

There’s 29 slides in total. We enjoy slide 4. On it, Walmart classifies 14% of “The Shopper Universe” as being “Conscientious Objectors.” We guess these are the people who refuse to shop at Walmart on principle.

These shoppers are defined as being “less loyal” to Walmart.

Slides 11-13 detail the “psychographics” of a price-value shopper. 14% of this group find themelves lonelier than most people. 47% say religion is an important thing in their life.

Slide 16 says that “Brand Aspirationals are behaviorally committed shoppers of Wal-Mart, but less so emotionally.”

Slide 22 says that 22% of Brand Aspirationals say they, “feel like I never have time for the people in my life.”

Kathy, can you hit the lights? Everyone hear me in the back? Ok, great, let’s get started…

If you’re interested in this material, be sure to download it and save it elsewhere, as there’s a pretty good chance someone may want us to take it down.

UPDATE: Images redacted per Wal-Mart’s request.

THE END. Slide 29 of 29. — BEN POPKEN

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