
Bad Manners: Walmart Borrows Your Car Without Asking

Bad Manners: Walmart Borrows Your Car Without Asking

My parents had a similarly horrible experience at Walmart last year here in South Edmonton Common, Edmonton, AB. They took their car into get an oil change, and left it there to do other errands. When they got there, the clerk at the desk could not ‘find’ their car and got all nervous. After about 15 minutes of ‘checking the lot’ the clerk gave in and said one of the mechanics had taken their car to go pick up a friend who’s car had broken down! My parents immediately got the manager involved, and the manager seemed to be taking the appropriate actions, and when the tech came back ~10 minutes later he wasn’t even apologetic about stealing their car to get his friend, he seemed to think he had the right to! My parents, being the nice pushovers they are, and seeing it as someone helping someone else and no harm was done other than ~20 minutes of time let it go. Walmart even made them pay for the oil change! The manager said he would call them back with a resolution, but none ever came.

Jonny’s parents should have explained to the manager that they charged $5.00 a minute for unauthorized car rental. —MEGHANN MARCO

Target Giddy Over Walmart's New York Defeat

Target Giddy Over Walmart's New York Defeat

The Minneapolis-based retailer views Wal-Mart’s move as “an opportunity,” but will take its time to find the right space at the right price, Jim Hogan, Target’s group vice president for New England stores, told M.B.A. candidates at Harvard Business School on Sunday.

Target is already alive and well in New York City, but has not yet made the move to Manhattan. —MEGHANN MARCO

Don't Get Your Oil Changed At Walmart

Don't Get Your Oil Changed At Walmart

The employees and their manager spent most the time spraying each other with air hoses and windshield fluid. 3 hours later, after seeing other folks come and go, we were told our vehicles were ready. We paid and left quickly, trying to avoid any other confrontation that would delay us even more. Flash forward to last week, my wife told me that her check engine light came on while going to work and the same on the way home.

We have to admit we didn’t know there was such a thing as a Walmart oil change before this letter.

Walmart Gives Up: No Stores For New York City

Walmart Gives Up: No Stores For New York City

Frustrated by a bruising, and so far unsuccessful battle to open its first discount store in the nation’s largest city, Wal-Mart’s chief executive said yesterday, “I don’t care if we are ever here.”

Spinning Walmart: Astroturfing, Edelman, And Why Walmart's TVs Are Tuned To Fox News

Spinning Walmart: Astroturfing, Edelman, And Why Walmart's TVs Are Tuned To Fox News

The Edelman team assigned to Wal-Mart, I learned, is divided into three groups: “promote,” “response,” and “pressure.” The Jobs and Opportunity Zones notion came from the promotions team. The response-team members–veterans of political campaigns–are supposed to quickly counter criticism in the press or on the Web. The pressure group works on opposition research, focussing on the unions and the press.

Walmart's Ailing Recall System

Walmart's Ailing Recall System

Walmart watcher “Behind the Counter” has identified the weakness in the retailer’s notoriously ineffective recall system. [More]

TJ Maxx Data Thieves Caught Buying $8 Million in Walmart Gift Cards

TJ Maxx Data Thieves Caught Buying $8 Million in Walmart Gift Cards

Stolen TJX data has been linked to 6 arrests in the Miami area. According to the AP, the ID thieves exploited a Walmart gift card loophole that allowed them to buy multiple $400 gift cards without showing ID, which they would then redeem or sell.

Woman Buys $1,000 In Tainted Pet Food At Walmart

Woman Buys $1,000 In Tainted Pet Food At Walmart

A woman said she was so worried about reports of tainted pet food she spent more than $1,000 buying all the product she could find at her local Wal-Mart. Margaret Trask said she filled a shopping cart full of canned pet food made by Canadian company Menu Foods at the Beaufort Wal-Mart after hearing about the recall Friday.

Recalled Pet Food Still On Walmart Shelves

Recalled Pet Food Still On Walmart Shelves

We found over three shelves full of Ol’ Roy, one of the recalled brands.

Warning: Rats In The Walmart!

Warning: Rats In The Walmart!

Rats! In the Walmart! New York City may have more than its share of rodents, but one pest we don’t have is Walmart…which is why for this rat infestation report we’ll be traveling all the way to sunny Phoenix! From KTAR:

A health inspector said he found mouse droppings at a Valley Wal-Mart on Monday after shoppers reported seeing rodents in a bakery case.

Walmart Abandons Plan To Become A Bank

Walmart Abandons Plan To Become A Bank

“Since the approval process is now likely to take years rather than months, we decided to withdraw our application to better focus on other ways to serve customers,” said Wal-Mart Financial Services President Jane Thompson in a statement.

Is Walmart Becoming A Bank?

Is Walmart Becoming A Bank?

UPDATE: Walmart has responded. They are abandoning their plan to become a bank. Caught!

Walmart Wins

We have removed the slides.

Round 13: Halliburton vs Walmart

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Walmart Sends Us DMCA Takedown Letter For Slideshow

Walmart Sends Us DMCA Takedown Letter For Slideshow

UPDATE: Walmart Wins Because We Fumbled

Fired Walmart Spy Says He Felt Pressured To Find The Information Leak

Fired Walmart Spy Says He Felt Pressured To Find The Information Leak

“Our job was to plug any information hole,” Gabbard, a systems technician, said in the Journal. “That was the primary reason for our team to be there.”

Both Gabbard and his boss were fired. —MEGHANN MARCO

How Did The Walmart Spy Intercept Text Messages?

How Did The Walmart Spy Intercept Text Messages?

It’s also possible to intercept unencrypted or poorly encrypted messages directly as they’re broadcast over cellular channels. (If the network uses sophisticated encryption, you might be out of luck.) To steal messages with your phone, you would need to upload illegal “firmware” onto your phone. This essentially turns your phone into a radio and allows it to pick up all the texts broadcast on a given channel–instead of limiting you to the ones addressed to you. You’d also need to know the network for the target phone–Verizon, Cingular, T-Mobile, etc.–and you’d have to make sure that both your phone and the target are within range of the same base station. This method isn’t too expensive since you don’t need much more than a computer, a phone, and some firmware that any serious techie could find online for free.

Hmm. We do not know anything about illegal firmware, so we’ll take Slate’s word on that.

Walmart Confirms Slideshow, Positively Spins "Conscientious Objectors"

Walmart Confirms Slideshow, Positively Spins "Conscientious Objectors"

Walmart Sends Us DMCA Takedown Letter For Slideshow