Target Giddy Over Walmart's New York Defeat

It’s not just certain “snobby” New Yorkers that are happy about Walmart giving up on their plans to open a Manhattan store, Target is pleased as well. From Women’s Wear Daily:

The Minneapolis-based retailer views Wal-Mart’s move as “an opportunity,” but will take its time to find the right space at the right price, Jim Hogan, Target’s group vice president for New England stores, told M.B.A. candidates at Harvard Business School on Sunday.

Target is already alive and well in New York City, but has not yet made the move to Manhattan. —MEGHANN MARCO

Target Sees Opportunity in City as Wal-Mart Puts Manhattan on Back Burner [WWD]
(Photo: moriza)

Walmart Gives Up: No Stores For New York City

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