
"EDGE Performance Chips" Are Stickers Purporting To Heal Pain

"EDGE Performance Chips" Are Stickers Purporting To Heal Pain

Okay, now they’re just messing with us. You’ve seen the Q-ray “chi-balancing bracelet” and the PowerBalance bands, now here are “EDGE Performance Chips.” These are little silver stickers that say they help relieve your pain and enhance your athletic performance. [More]

Dial-Up Modem Noise 700% Slower Becomes Ambient Opus

Dial-Up Modem Noise 700% Slower Becomes Ambient Opus

Remember that Bieber track that turned into a symphonic masterpiece once it was slowed down 800%? Yes? No? Well you might as well kill yourself, Brian Eno, because here’s an old-school dial-up modem slowed down 700% , becoming an epic soundscape of terrifying drones and robotic wails, punctuated by tsunamis of static. Ah, it really captures the essence of what connecting to AOL in 1995 felt like. [More]

Spend Only 1 Hour/Wk On Your Money By Automating All Your Accounts

Spend Only 1 Hour/Wk On Your Money By Automating All Your Accounts

Here’s a 12-minute video that shows you how you can put all your money on autopilot and end up spending only an hour a week managing your accounts. [More]

Martha Stewart Tables Are Still Exploding Glass In Your Face

Martha Stewart Tables Are Still Exploding Glass In Your Face

FOX31 reports a family in Colorado was just chilling on the porch during a barbecue when all of a sudden their Martha Stewart glass table exploded, sending shards of tempered glass flying all over the place. The son and his girlfriend bled from cuts and lacerations after they were hit by the glass. This is a line of tables that have racked up similar exploding glass complaints for years and though they are not being sold any more, there are some still out there in people’s homes, ticking glass bombs waiting to go off. [More]

Walmart Releases Video Of Vigilante Jumping On Robbers' Hood

Walmart Releases Video Of Vigilante Jumping On Robbers' Hood

Walmart has released CCTV footage of the shopper who jumped onto the hood of a car full of would-be beer shoplifters in an attempt to kick in their windshield and stop them from speeding away with their pilfered lager. [More]

Delta Traveler Says He Got Bag Back Reeking Of Urine

Delta Traveler Says He Got Bag Back Reeking Of Urine

Sy has vowed to never fly Delta again after a colossal followup left his bag bouncing back and forth between three cities and two continents, and once he finally got his bag back, it stank of urine. [More]

Two Women Arrested In Dead Baby Funeral Scam

Two Women Arrested In Dead Baby Funeral Scam

They stood on the corner of busy intersections holding a hand-scrawled black marker on yellow paper sign that said “Funeral Donations.” In the center of the poster was a picture of baby boy with a name underneath and his supposed days of birth of death. They said they were collecting money for his funeral arrangements. But after police responded to calls that the women were blocking intersections, it turned out to all be a sham. [More]

How To Swerve Away From Extra Car Rental Fees

How To Swerve Away From Extra Car Rental Fees

Sure, maybe you’re smart enough not to fall for the optional insurance car rental companies like to shill when you borrow one of their fine vehicles. And of course, you’re wise to the astronomical final bill you might get if you opt for their pricey fuel options. But do you know what other gotchas lay in store? [More]

IRS Gives $110,000 To Wrong Guy, Now He's In Jail

IRS Gives $110,000 To Wrong Guy, Now He's In Jail

A California father is in jail and faces charges after the IRS deposited $110,000 in his account that should have gone to another taxpayer, reports KCAL. [More]

This McDonald's Video Takes Recruitment Propaganda To Hollywood Heights

This McDonald's Video Takes Recruitment Propaganda To Hollywood Heights

This recruitment video for McDonald’s is simply amazing. It is a full-on miniature drama tracing the arc of a young woman who starts at the bottom at McDonald’s, overcoming the snark and condescension of her friends and her mother, and rises to become a floor manager who trains other new employees, joining part of a community of other happy workers. All who doubted her are forced to eat their words. The production is slick, with emotive cinematography and lots of rising crane shots. It should get the Oscar for best internal corporate propaganda. [More]

Sorry, Best Buy Can't Sell You A Non-Scratched DVD

Sorry, Best Buy Can't Sell You A Non-Scratched DVD

If brick-and-mortar retailers and entertainment companies want their customers to keep showing up and paying for content, it might help if they worked together to make sure that the DVDs on their shelves are playable, and not mysteriously scratched all to hell. Spencer bought two “American Dad” box sets at his local Best Buy, seeking out the least-mangled one on the shelf. He checked the DVDs of one set when he reached his car, found scratched and smudged discs, and headed back into the store to see if he could get a refund. Unfortunately, he could have ripped the DVDs in his car in the intervening ten minutes, and Best Buy wasn’t interested. [More]

Woman Calls 911 Because Her Chinese Food Order Was Wrong

Woman Calls 911 Because Her Chinese Food Order Was Wrong

Savannah police have released the recording of a call a woman made to report that she got the wrong food in her Chinese food delivery. They published the call as a reminder to the public that it’s a misdemeanor to call 911 unless there’s an actual emergency. Here is a transcript and the audio of the call: [More]

Walgreens "Sorry" They Gave Patient 10x Recommended Dosage

Walgreens "Sorry" They Gave Patient 10x Recommended Dosage

She was hit with incredible pain and muscle spasms in her chest so bad that Arizona woman thought she was going to die. The strike was so severe she would turn red and purple. Sometimes she would have a hundred of these attacks each day, each time thinking that this would be the one that would kill her. Now Walgreens tells ABC15 that they’re “sorry” for refilling her prescription with 50mcg pills. She was only supposed to get 5mcg ones. [More]

The "Don't Join A Union" Video Target Makes New Employees Watch

The "Don't Join A Union" Video Target Makes New Employees Watch

Behind Target’s “we’re hip and different” veneer lurks a company that intensely discourages its workers from joining a union. Gawker has posted a copy of an anti-union industrial video Target shows its new employees called, “Think Hard Before You Sign.” It’s kinda creepy. Here’s a transcript of the video. Some highlights: [More]

Ken Dumps Barbie After Learning She's Into Deforestation

Ken Dumps Barbie After Learning She's Into Deforestation

Last week, Ken broke up with Barbie after finding out some of the paper in her packaging comes from a Singapore company, Asian Pulp & Paper (APP), they accuse of clearcutting rain forests and destroying endangered tiger habitats. In the animated video put out by Greenpeace, he shrieks after seeing video of Barbie chainsawing the forest and laughing like a mad woman, and shouts, “It’s over!” before punching the camera. Later, activists rappelled down the side of Mattel’s headquarters to unfurl a banner announcing the breakup, and Barbie herself showed up in her bright pink “Dream Dozer” before the cops arrested her. Now in response to the campaign, Mattel announced they’re cutting APP out of their supply chain. [More]

Guy Crashes Multiple Times To Make Point About NYPD Ticketing Bicyclists

Guy Crashes Multiple Times To Make Point About NYPD Ticketing Bicyclists

Casey was fined by the NYPD as part of a recent bicyclist dragnet, getting dinged $50 for not riding in the bike lane. He tried to tell the cop that sometimes the bike lane isn’t safe but the officer wasn’t having any of it. So Casey made a video of what happens when you only ride in the bike lane, despite the numerous piles of construction equipment, taxis, and other obstacles, deliberately crashing his velocipede and eating asphalt. Hm, there seems to be a logic error somewhere here. [More]

Delta Charging Returning U.S. Troops $2800 In Extra Baggage Fees Not Really A Big Deal

Delta Charging Returning U.S. Troops $2800 In Extra Baggage Fees Not Really A Big Deal

A video is burning up the interwebs where a couple of Army soldiers tell how Delta charged 14 guys in their unit $200 a pop for checking a fourth bag, running up $2800 in fees. The soldiers are upset because even though standard Delta policy is to allow the military up to three bags for free, their orders said they were allowed four bags. Now they have to submit receipts to get their fees waived. At first it sounds like a slap in the face but other soldiers have chimed to say it’s really not the drama it’s been made out to be and it happens all the time. [More]

Parody: Baby's Face Lotion

Parody: Baby's Face Lotion

This parody ad riffs on all those “age-defying” facial lotion commercials and takes it to their inevitable and ridiculous conclusion. “People say that I have a baby face,” says the female voiceover, “but now that I’m getting older, t hat’s just not enough.” Cue disturbing special effects. [More]