
Truth In Advertising

A rather eerie and existential summary of the American consumer experience. By Negativland, from 1997. How little things change.

Dude, Get A Dell… For Porn

Man, those QVC announcers are just unflappable, aren’t they.

The Kid From Brooklyn on The Rising Price of Sex, or “A Slow News Day”

It’s a slow news day. Prematurely celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, Ben is drunk. Meanwhile, Brownlee has discovered with a dawning sense of horror that after years of living in Ireland, he is incapable of getting drunk… the font that inks his pen, the mucus that lubricates his Muse. As the world and Boing Boing watches, we find ourselves abashed and silent.

“Stick It Up Your Ass, Starbucks”

re serving over there? Fuckin liquid gold? A fucking cup of coffee and a piece of pound cake, seven dollars? Stick it up your ass, fuckin Starbucks.”

What If Microsoft Designed The “What If Microsoft Designed The iPod Box” Video?

What If Microsoft Designed The “What If Microsoft Designed The iPod Box” Video?

A couple weeks ago, we posted a video that has been taking the Internet by storm: What If Microsoft Designed The iPod Box? At the time, we wondered about the funny guys who’d so perfectly hoisted Microsoft’s petard.

What If… Microsoft Designed the iPod Box?

This has been going around lately, but is directly indicative of the cluelessness of corporate branding philosophies that we at the Consumerist so love to rail against.

McDonald’s Ad Leverages Inner Child

Watch this freakish Mc Donald’s commercial. Adults are frozen and a hatch opens in their belly. A child version of themselves goes out and gets McDonalds, brings it back to their hands, crawls back inside the hatch. After the door closes, the adult unfreezes, surprised that McDonald’s is in their hands and begin feverishly eating. “Feed your inner child” appears, followed by “I’m lovin’ it.”

Pherotones offers $6900.69 for Videos of Randy Ringtones

Pherotones offers $6900.69 for Videos of Randy Ringtones

Despite being outed on The Consumerist and on at least one of the very blogs it advertises on, the Pherotones campaign continues, oblvious to its irrelevance.

Fashion vs. Style in FCUK Lesbo Catfight

Fashion vs. Style in FCUK Lesbo Catfight

We’d be remiss to neglect the ladies in detailing homosexual shopping experiences, so here’s a video for clothier FCUK pitting Fashion against Style in a hand-to-hand sapphic scenario, after the jump. Beware, it autoplays.

Ripped-off Ford Customer Torches Dealership, Kills Self

Ripped-off Ford Customer Torches Dealership, Kills Self

t screw your customers over: they may blow you up.

Apple iMac Core Duo Video Issue Fixable with Software

Apple iMac Core Duo Video Issue Fixable with Software

An early-adopter of an Apple iMac Core Duo reported ‘video-tearing’ issues with his new baby and set up a website to document his troubles. Fortunately, after doing some troubleshooting, he’s discovered that Apple sent out the new iMacs with two different versions of Mac OS X, one of which has the video issues and one which does not. While he still hasn’t resolved the issue to his satisfaction—the Genius Bar doesn’t have the latest builds of OS X?—it does appear that the issue, while frustrating, can be fixed in software.