
Walmart’s 32 Year Viral Proliferation

From The University of Minnesota’s Thomas Holmes’ paper The Diffusion of Wal-Mart and Economies of Density. Via Box Tank.

The Remarkable Advertisements of Don Hertzfeldt

Whether or not this is safe for work depends on what your boss thinks of anthropomorphical squiggles with bleeding anuses.

Target Motivational Song Brainwashes Employees Into Having Fun

I’ll Bid $420, Bob

What happens when you get your subversive marijuana subculture in your Price Is Right? Bob Barker pretending not to get the joke.

Apple Announces The iPod Flea

Super Timor Insect Repellant Turns Malaria Into Dance Party

Every time you wonder why the civilized nations of the world don’t just send a neutron bomb hurtling into Paris, vaporizing the flesh of all its smarmy and lugubrious inhabitants but leaving the art and architecture intact, we recommend watching this commercial, which single-handedly justifies…

The Sexy iPod Vending Machine In Action

Alright, we were skeptical of the iPod vending machine. But we take it all back — this has to be the coolest vending machine we’ve ever seen.

The Flying RyanAir Horror Show

Although I personally love RyanAir for allowing me to fly anywhere in Europe practically for free, I’ve known enough people who’ve worked behind the scenes to know it’s a pretty horrific company to work for — or even fly with — if you know what they know. Cheapness, apparently, doesn’t come cheap… it comes with a huge cost in customer service and, more importantly, competence and safety.

The Eternal Struggle Between Politics, Companies & Consumers

This video is probably an excellent look in microcosm of the eternal struggle between politicians (USC Vice President Ryan Holt), companies (symbolized by the balloons) and consumers (represented by the sniggering prankster). A number of observations can be gleaned from watching one of our nation’s fat cats in fetal form foam at the mouth over a room full of balloons.

Ronald McDonald Vs. Evil Grimace

We’ve mentioned McDonald’s Grimace before, describing him as “gigantic, anthropomorphic taste bud, loathsomely pulsating through McDonaldland with an unslakeable thirst for frosty, gelatinous ooze.” We also mentioned that he used to be evil and initially had small arms.

I’m a Blogger But What I Really Want to Do is Direct

I’m a Blogger But What I Really Want to Do is Direct

We just got fancy YouTube Director privileges. This gives us the ability to upload videos any length up to 100MB. Sweet.

Superman Hates, Kills Smokers

For your Monday Morning Bemusement, Superman takes on Nick O’Teen, insidious Irish personification of underage smoking.

Gurls, Gurls, Gurls! Viral Ad Done Right

Gurls, Gurls, Gurls! Viral Ad Done Right

This viral ad for Lynx Anti-perspirant (slogan: “Making your armpits smell like a wild animal”) starts off with a coy British girl setting up her webcam to give her number to a boy she met at a party the previous night. She then performs an exotic strip tease for the camera, flashing parts of her body with her phone number written on it. Then her girlfriend stumbles through the door and they have a pillow and tickle fight. Then a roommate stumbles out of the shower and some cheerleaders walk in. And it just gets better from there.

Bite Taken out of Apple’s Customer Service

Bite Taken out of Apple’s Customer Service

Star found a $4,000 camera on sale for only $2000. After a few shopping cart hijinx, Apple refused to sell the camera to him.

German Girl Has Skills

Oh, we really shouldn’t post this German optometrist commercial…

Fred Flintstone: “Winston Tastes Good Like A Cigarette Should”

Ah, the halcyon days of advertising, where Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble relax with a refreshing Winston cigarette while their wives slavishly toil.

L. Ron Hubbard, In the Flesh, On a Boat

We would rather see the source documentary (The Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard) rather than this so-so “re-edited for comedic effect” movie but it gives you a glimpse at the man who singlehandedly founded the popular money-swindling cult of Scientology. The very cult that’s going to sacrifice baby TomKat to bring about the resurrection of its founder, L. Ron Hubbard.

A Word From Our Sponsor… Scientology

But questions remain, like, where’s the kid in the wheelchair?