
Verizon Keep Spraying Our Sidewalks With The Same, Three, Permanent, Dots

Verizon Keep Spraying Our Sidewalks With The Same, Three, Permanent, Dots

David would like to know if Verizon Fios techs can’t afford glasses. Otherwise, why would it be necessary to spray paint their sidewalk three times within the past year? The dots are supposed to indicate where to dig up to install the vaunted “last mile” of information HOV lane, but it really seems like overkill. After all, it’s not like they need to be concerned about the dots deteriorating. “It never goes away,” David writes us. “Brushes, power washing, passage of time — nothing.”

Verizon's Cancels Service Because You Called South Korea

Verizon gets skittish if you call South Korea or Arabic countries, and if the “High Toll” department doesn’t correctly report that they were able to get in contact with you to verify you intentionally made the call, you could find your service disconnected.

Verizon Asks Virginia Not To Hold It To High Standards

Verizon Asks Virginia Not To Hold It To High Standards

According to Verizon, being held to a high standard is unfair.

Verizon will get a chance at the end of September to argue to Virginia state regulators that the state’s dominant phone company should be held to a lower standard for restoring lost phone service.

EECB Scores Direct Hit On Verizon's CEO

EECB Scores Direct Hit On Verizon's CEO

Roger’s bank messed up and his Verizon bill didn’t get paid, resulting in his account being shut off for non-payment. While the phone and internet were back on almost immediately, Roger toiled fruitlessly trying to get the TV service turned back on, finally writing to Consumerist in frustration.

Verizon Continues Weird, Pointless Flame War With Networkworld Blogger

Verizon Continues Weird, Pointless Flame War With Networkworld Blogger

Here are the facts of the case as we know them:

Watch Out For Bogus Charges On Your Phone Bill

Watch Out For Bogus Charges On Your Phone Bill

Under the current system, telephone companies allow 3rd party companies to submit charges which the phone company then includes in your bill, with no verification other than a list of names and numbers. The phone company keeps a cut and blithely bills away. Scammers have figured this out and will sometimes submit bogus charges, disguised under vague names. [More]

Verizon: There Was No Fire. Fire Department: Yes, There Was A Fire.

Verizon: There Was No Fire. Fire Department: Yes, There Was A Fire.

We’re feeling philosophical this morning after being confronted with two very different accounts of what went on at a small house on Pine Grove Street in Needham, Mass. Was there a fire? Was there not a fire? What is the definition of fire, anyway?

Vonage CSR: "Customer Lacks The Courage To Stay With Us Due To Litigation"

ber-lawyers. The CSR explained as he typed that he was listing Tony’s reason for canceling as: “Customer… lacks… the… courage… to… stay… with… us… due… to… litigation.” Tony’s letter to Vonage, after the jump:

Verizon Sets Fire To Your Home

Verizon Sets Fire To Your Home

What’s worse than Verizon not showing up for you appointment? Verizon techs showing up for you appointment, only to set fire to your home.

Good Luck Getting Your Rebate From Amp'd Mobile

Good Luck Getting Your Rebate From Amp'd Mobile

CBS 13 has the story of a 13-year old kid who saved up his money and bought a pre-paid Amp’d mobile phone from Circuit City. The phone was $100 with a $120 rebate.

Over 300 Complaints: Maryland Public Service Commission Goes After Verizon

Over 300 Complaints: Maryland Public Service Commission Goes After Verizon

Verizon has violated Maryland state regulations by missing more than 20% of its scheduled appointments in 5 of the first 6 months of 2007, according to the Baltimore Sun.

115 Calls To Verizon, And FIOS Still Doesn't Work

115 Calls To Verizon, And FIOS Still Doesn't Work

Poor Jason. Eight months after ordering Verizon FIOS, he is still without decent phone, television, or internet service, though not for lack of effort on his part:

I have spoken with 115 service representatives and 44 supervisors over a period 64 hours combined on the phone with Verizon. I have been hung up on 37 times, placed on hold a total of 21 hours, and been promised callbacks, which I did not receive, a total of 18 times. It has been 8 months since I ordered the service, and I still have not been given a single resolution.

Jason’s full ordeal, after the jump:

Verizon CSR Gives Fake "Callback" Number That Rings A Dating Hotline

Ariel’s phone and DSL inexplicably stopped working and Verizon told her that it would cost her $91 to have it fixed. She agreed and reluctantly took a day off work to wait for the Verizon tech, who, shockingly, never showed.

Verizon Thinks Asia Is A Country

Verizon Thinks Asia Is A Country

A Verizon Wireless online pre-sales specialist has joined the chat. You are now chatting with chelsea.

This Verizon Van Could Have Parked Closer To The Handicapped Only Sign

This Verizon Van Could Have Parked Closer To The Handicapped Only Sign

A 14-year-old tipster caught this Verizon van parked next to the handicapped only sign outside his grandmother’s house. The Verizon tech spent 20 minutes visiting a neighbor, and when asked to move, “was very arrogant and drove off.” More pictures, after the jump.

Wireless Consumers Both Win and Lose With New FCC Rules

Wireless Consumers Both Win and Lose With New FCC Rules

You win some, you lose some. Google’s bid to created an open wireless network was only partially sucessful today as the FCC rejected some of the search giant’s conditions, but adopted others.

Got Cellphone Service With Unicel? Welcome To Verizon Wireless

Got Cellphone Service With Unicel? Welcome To Verizon Wireless

If you’ve got a cellphone with Rural Wireless (also known as Unicel) your contract has just been purchased by Verizon Wireless.

Amp'd Mobile Shuts Down Tomorrow, Port Your Number Today!

Amp’d Mobile will shutter its ailing service on July 24th at 12:01 am, meaning that today is the final day to port your number to another carrier. The mobile virtual network operator has worn a giant “Kick Me!” sign ever since it filed for bankruptcy after half of its 175,000 customers failed to pay their bills; securing its fate, Amp’d costs Verizon $370,000 per day and owes the telecommunications behemoth over $56 million. The goodbye text Amp’d sent its customers, and information on porting your number, after the jump.