
AT&T And Verizon Can Cancel Service Of Subscribers Who "Damage" Their "Reputation"

AT&T And Verizon Can Cancel Service Of Subscribers Who "Damage" Their "Reputation"

Criticizing AT&T DSL as a subscriber can result in them shutting down your service, according to their Terms of Service:

Verizon Reverses Policy On Pro-Choice Text Messages

Verizon Reverses Policy On Pro-Choice Text Messages

Verizon recently rejected a request from Naral Pro-Choice America, an abortion rights group, to make Verizon’s network available for their opt-in text message program.

Man Fixes Unfixable FiOs Account Error By Playing Dumb

Man Fixes Unfixable FiOs Account Error By Playing Dumb

Last time we heard from Dan, Verizon wouldn’t give him his FiOs account number and kept charging his credit card that he told them not to charge. Now, through a mix of social engineering and knowing some tricks with the Verizon online account system, he was able to get all his problems solved. He tells us how, inside…


After first saying no, Verizon decided to allow a pro-choice group to send text massages, but in so doing, didn’t disclaim the right the block text messages they deemed inappropriate in the future. [NYT]


Verizon edges closer to adopting IPv6, which, among other things, will allow for unique IP addresses to be assigned to all your electronic kitchen appliances. [EETimes]

Senate Commerce Committee To Decide Fate Of Internet Tax Moratorium

Senate Commerce Committee To Decide Fate Of Internet Tax Moratorium

The Senate Commerce Committee is poised to extend the internet tax moratorium by the end of next week. The moratorium prevents states and localities from taxing internet access, but will expire on November 1 unless Congress acts. There are two competing proposals that pit state legislatures and the National Governors Association against Google and Verizon.

Verizon's Style Book For Deploying "Can You Hear Me Now" Guy

Verizon's Style Book For Deploying "Can You Hear Me Now" Guy

You know the Verizon “Can you hear me now?” guy? Of course you do. Verizon has been pouring branding equity into the lil fella for years. You can’t leverage a character across a big company like that without developing a special “style guide” Verizon developed to govern how his likeness is used in various marketing campaigns. It’s quite hilarious, and a former company employee sent it to us to share with you.

Are Bundled Packages A Threat To Privacy?

Are Bundled Packages A Threat To Privacy?

The L.A. Times read the privacy policies of several bundled service providers and found that they are feverishly monitoring their subscriber’s activities. With the ability to monitor internet, phone, and television preferences, bundled service providers are able to track nearly every aspect of their subscriber’s digital lives. While Google retains personally identifiable for less than two years, some ISPs like Time Warner cling to your data for an astounding fifteen years in order to “comply with tax and accounting requirements.” It gets worse.

There are red flags to be found in each telecom provider’s privacy policy. A close reading of Time Warner’s policy reveals:

Verizon Vs. Google: Verizon Wireless Sues The FCC Over "Open Network" Requirement

Verizon Vs. Google: Verizon Wireless Sues The FCC Over "Open Network" Requirement

When Google lobbied successfully for the inclusion of an “open network” requirement in the upcoming wireless spectrum auction, it was seen as a coup for consumers. The open network clause would mean that consumers would be able to take their handsets and devices to the network of their choosing.

Verizon FiOs Install Results In Gas Line Breach

Verizon FiOs Install Results In Gas Line Breach

One Verizon FiOs install results in breached sewer pipe. Another, a breached gas line. There was no explosion, or even smoke. Some unpleasantly scented puffs of air, though. Guess they’re getting better. What do you expect to happen when you have guys drilling through stuff? Accidents, that’s what. Unfortunate and statistically insignificant accidents. It all comes out in the wash. Like blood. Blood comes out in the wash, right? Still, it’s almost like some of these guys have no idea what they’re doing. “It’s true QAM.” Yes, we have true qualms.

Opt Out Of Verizon's Scheme To Sell Your Personal Info To Marketers

Opt Out Of Verizon's Scheme To Sell Your Personal Info To Marketers

Verizon Wireless customers who don’t feel like having their personal information and account information sold to marketers can opt-out by calling 1-800-333-9956. A notice tucked into our recent bill told us we had 30 days from receiving the notice to do it. Considering that Verizon just sold 1,000,000 old accounts to a debt-collecting agency who tried to bully people into pay debts that were already paid off or never incurred in the first place, calling this number might be a wise move.

Verizon Doesn't Care If It Eats Up All Your Vacation Days Waiting For Installations

Verizon Doesn't Care If It Eats Up All Your Vacation Days Waiting For Installations

To whom it may concern:

Which Cellphone Company Is Best About Fighting Text Message Spam?

Which Cellphone Company Is Best About Fighting Text Message Spam?

Cellphone text message spam is still rare, but annoying, especially as each one usually costs you. If you’re experiencing a deluge, often the only way to fight it is to turn off text messaging entirely, but which providers let you?

Verizon Sold 1,000,000 Old Accounts To AFNI, Who Then Fraudulently Tried To Collect Debts

Verizon Sold 1,000,000 Old Accounts To AFNI, Who Then Fraudulently Tried To Collect Debts

A reader whose wife received a debt-collection notice from AFNI regarding a seven-year old Verizon account was actually just one of over a million consumers getting a similar letter, WSYR reports.

Verizon Is Taking My Phone Away Because It Doesn't Have GPS?

Verizon Is Taking My Phone Away Because It Doesn't Have GPS?

Hello Ms. Marco,

Verizon Spins Causing Electrical Fire During FiOs Install Into Sales Pitch

When will Verizon wonks learn that it’s in incredibly bad taste to insert a sales pitch in the middle of your apology for yet another FiOs technician causing yet annother electrical fire at a customer’s home?

The good news is that Wilen loves his FiOS service…now that it is up and working. As a friend wrote to me earlier, “If he had this sort of problem when it was installed, and still likes FiOS this much, it must be a great service!”

Never, it seems, never.

UK Broadband Providers Show US What Real "Competition" Looks Like

UK Broadband Providers Show US What Real "Competition" Looks Like

Even our readers can’t agree on whether net neutrality is a good or a bad thing, so we thought we’d stoke the fire with a nice side-by-side comparison of sample broadband options for consumers in two “free markets,” the US and the UK. Art Brodsky of the Huffington Post (oops, we probably already lost half of you) writes that a British man he met while traveling showed him a spreadsheet he’d put together that compared 59 different broadband providers, so he’d know which one to do business with.

Verizon Techs Blow Out AP Reporter's Electrical Box During Installation

Verizon Techs Blow Out AP Reporter's Electrical Box During Installation

Verizon FiOs techs have flubbed another install, hitting an electrical wire and leaving the electrical box smoking. This time, the customer was an AP reporter. Oopsy poopsies!