
AT&T Sells You A Service They Don't Offer, Denies It, Bills You Anyway

AT&T Sells You A Service They Don't Offer, Denies It, Bills You Anyway

This is like one of those ghost stories where the hero joins up with a fellow traveler, and then at the end of his journey discovers that his travel companion never existed. Oooooo! Only it’s about AT&T, so instead of being spooky it’s just annoying. Especially the part at the end where he receives a bill.

Reader Saves $89.76 On Verizon Fees By Changing "Primary Area Of Use"

Reader Saves $89.76 On Verizon Fees By Changing "Primary Area Of Use"

One of our readers was able to save $89.76/year in surcharges on his Verizon bill by changing his primary area of use to NJ from NY.

Verizon Isn't Really Sure How Much Their DSL Service Costs

Verizon Isn't Really Sure How Much Their DSL Service Costs

Brian begged and pleaded but Verizon simply wouldn’t tell him how much his DSL would cost after taxes and fees, unless he signed a one-year contract. The customer service representatives staffing Verizon’s operation centers claimed that it was too difficult to figure out all that math nonsense for every jurisdiction. When Brian pushed and insisted that surely they had to know how much their service cost, he was told that “there wasn’t anyone in Verizon that knew the answer.”

Google Takes Stance Against ISP Bandwith Throttling

Google Takes Stance Against ISP Bandwith Throttling

Google has decided to throw its weight around when it comes to Net Neutrality; the search giant announced a plan to let end users see what their Internet Service Providers do with their bandwidth. What does this matter to you, the aforementioned end user? Inquire inside.

Verizon Changes Corporate Email Address Format

Verizon Changes Corporate Email Address Format – CEO

In Which You Spend 3 Vacation Days Waiting For The Verizon Guy Who Never Comes

In Which You Spend 3 Vacation Days Waiting For The Verizon Guy Who Never Comes

Sounds like that Verizon guy is too busy making commercials to show up and install your DSL. Reader John-Paul just wants Verizon to keep their appointments… is that so much to ask?

Comcast Says FiOS HD Is "Mundane," Verizon Says They Kick Comcast "In The Teeth"

Comcast Says FiOS HD Is "Mundane," Verizon Says They Kick Comcast "In The Teeth"

The Philadelphia Inquirer says that Comcast is upset that more than 250 of Verizon’s HD “choices” are “mundane” and to count them is “misleading and irrelevant to consumers.”

Reader Saves $230 On Cable And Phone Bills By Rocking The Cancellation Threat

Reader Saves $230 On Cable And Phone Bills By Rocking The Cancellation Threat

Here’s how Stephanie saved $230 on her cable and phone bills after following the tips in “3 Ways To Lower Your Out Of Control Cable, Internet And Phone Bills

Secret Phone Numbers And Email Addresses To Reach Executives At 101+ Companies

Secret Phone Numbers And Email Addresses To Reach Executives At 101+ Companies

Inside, email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses for over 100 different companies to inject your customer service complaints into their corporate executive offices, and get it well on the way to success.


The FCC has given the green light to the Verizon/Alltel merger. Alltel brings 13 million new subscribers to Verizon, dethroning AT&T as the number one wireless carrier. [WaPo]

When 9 Phone Calls Can't Get Your FiOS Installed, Email The CEO

When 9 Phone Calls Can't Get Your FiOS Installed, Email The CEO

Reader Bill was getting the run around from Verizon– but he wasn’t even a customer yet! His dramatic ordeal started on October 9th, and by the 16th he’d taken a full day off of work, called Verizon nine times and still he was without FiOS.

Wireless Carriers Tell Senate: "Text Messaging Rates Have Dropped, And Your Queries Have Led To Lawsuits Against Us!"

Wireless Carriers Tell Senate: "Text Messaging Rates Have Dropped, And Your Queries Have Led To Lawsuits Against Us!"

The national wireless carriers have responded to the Senate’s request for information on why its text-messaging fees have doubled over the past three years. Their collective response: they haven’t gotten more expensive, they’ve gotten cheaper—and your public suspicion of our business practices has led to lots of class action lawsuits!

Verizon's Policy Blog V. SmarterChild

Verizon's Policy Blog V. SmarterChild

Verizon’s so-called “policy blog” is a grotesquely self-serving marketing orifice, perhaps the worst corporate blog we’ve ever read. We decided to stack Verizon’s inane sales schmaltz against the internet’s preeminent bullshit-spewing chatbot, SmarterChild….

Verizon Told Me Their FiOS Gift Card Promotion Never Even Existed

Verizon Told Me Their FiOS Gift Card Promotion Never Even Existed

Reader Jacob says that he’s been getting the runaround for months after signing up with Verizon during their free $200 Circuit City gift card promotion, but he finally reached his breaking point when a Verizon rep told him that the promotion never even existed. Too bad it did exist, and we wrote about it.

Verizon Breaks Your Router With An Unrequested Firmware Update, But Won't Replace It Because It's Out Of Warranty

Verizon Breaks Your Router With An Unrequested Firmware Update, But Won't Replace It Because It's Out Of Warranty

They acknowledge the router got an upgraded firmware image automatically (forget the fact I had explicitly disabled that feature for this very reason), but I’m shit out of luck. Even though the fact my formerly perfectly working 6100 is now bricked because of something Verizon did without my approval or knowledge, they will not provide me with a new one for free because the router is out of warranty.

Verizon Announces Monthly Plans With No Early Termination Fees

Verizon Announces Monthly Plans With No Early Termination Fees

Facing increased pressure from consumers and lawmakers alike, Verizon has announced that they will begin offering monthly cellphone plans with no early termination fees. Consumers wishing to take advantage of the plans will be required to pay full price for a phone, or provide their own phone, as Verizon will not be subsidizing the cost of handsets.

Verizon Wireless Going Contract-Free Next Week?

Verizon Wireless Going Contract-Free Next Week?

If the website Boy Genius Report is correct, next week Verizon Wireless will start offering contract-free, month-to-month service. Pretty much everyone will be eligible for it, but of course you’ll have to pay full price for a phone or bring your own, there’ll be an activation fee that can’t be waived, and if you take advantage of any special offers that require a contract, you’ll have to switch over to a contract agreement. It’s supposed to start on September 21st.

Verizon Refuses To Help Locate Body Of Missing Woman For Four Days

Verizon Refuses To Help Locate Body Of Missing Woman For Four Days

Verizon, which has no problem helping the government spy on its customers, suddenly turned stupid in June when a police department asked them for help finding the body of a woman who had been abducted on camera. Despite pleas from the woman’s parents, the police, and the FBI, it was four days before a technician was sent out to the appropriate cell tower. When that technician gave the police the location info, they found Kelsey Smith’s body within 45 minutes. Verizon won’t respond to requests for an explanation of why they couldn’t help sooner.