Although it’s not that difficult to pull off a more polished look than “elastic-waist pants and a sweatshirt,” United Airlines flight attendants and other employees will probably be dressed better than many travelers with plans for new Brooks Brothers uniforms. [More]

American Airlines Dropping Supplier Behind Controversial New Uniforms
Nine months after American Airlines flight attendants first started complaining that their new uniforms were giving them hives, headaches, and itchy rashes, and despite airline executives insisting there would not be a recall, the carrier has finally given up and is dropping the uniform supplier that makes the controversial clothing. [More]

Supreme Court’s Ruling In Cheerleader Uniform Case Could Lead To Higher Prices For Clothing, Furniture
This morning, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling in a case that involves cheerleader uniforms, but which some critics believe could eventually result in higher prices for everything from clothing to furniture to housewares. [More]

American Airlines CEO: Uniform Crisis A “Difficult” Issue, But There Won’t Be A Recall
Almost six months after American Airlines flight attendants started complaining that their new uniforms were giving them hives, headaches, and rashes, the carrier’s CEO is admitting that it’s a major problem, while insisting that American won’t issue the recall of the clothing that employees have asked for. [More]

More Flight Attendants Reporting Issues With American Airlines’ New Uniforms
Although American Airlines previously said issues flight attendants were having with the new uniforms — like causing hives and headaches — were limited to about a dozen people with wool allergies, a union that represents flight attendants says there have now been 1,300 complaints over the clothing. [More]

Why The Supreme Court Suddenly Cares About Cheerleader Uniforms
When you strip off the logos from your typical cheerleader’s uniform — especially in high school and college — you’re left with something that is still distinctly an outfit meant for a cheerleader. But can a uniform manufacturer copyright that basic uniform design? It’s a question currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, and one whose answer could have far-reaching implications. [More]

American Airlines Flight Attendants Say New Uniforms Are Giving Them Hives, Headaches
It’s got to be hard enough working on an airplane — serving drinks thousands of feet in the sky, smiling at strangers when you maybe want to scream at them — without having to deal with uncomfortable clothing. But some American Airlines flight attendants say they’re breaking out in hives and suffering horrible headaches from their brand new uniforms. [More]

Is It Legal For Employers To Make Employees Pay For Uniforms?
Millions of Americans have jobs that require them to sport a uniform of some sort. This is especially true in retail, food service, hospitality, and other public-facing industries where uniforms further the brand and aid customers in identifying employees. But should — and can — employers require that workers fork over their own money to cover the costs of these outfits? [More]

Circuit City Has Left Us, But Its Uniforms Live On
The Circuit City death watch is long over, but now there’s a way to preserve those memories forever—maybe even to outfit an entire troupe of Circuit City re-enactors. Reader chainofcommand02 was shopping in a grocery outlet store when he discovered several cases of Circuit City polo shirts. Yours, for only $1.00.

Should Macy's Require Employees To Wear Black?
Starting this September, all Macy’s employees will be required to wear black clothes to work. The dress code, which is designed to help customers identify apparently-elusive sales associates, is already in effect in east coast stores, but will be expanded to the 113 stores composing the midwest division. While consumer behavior specialists rave about the change, union officials have filed a grievance against Macy’s for requiring workers to purchase new clothes. Do employee uniforms improve your shopping experience? Tell us after the jump.

Delta’s Sassy New Steward Outfits
A scan from a recent Delta in-flight magazine announcing their new attendant costumes.