We already know that more than 143 million Americans’ personal identify information was compromised as part of Equinox’s two-month-long data breach. If you thought that was bad enough, it gets worse: The credit reporting agency’s lax data security may have affected tens of millions more consumers across the world. [More]

United Kingdom Discovers 2,529 Products Hit By Grocery Shrink Ray, Calls It ‘Shrinkflation’
The grocery shrink ray is a phenomenon that you may have noticed, where companies make their packaged products slightly smaller, charge the same price, and hope that no one notices. It’s not a new phenomenon, but the Office for National Statistics in the United Kingdom recently tallied up shrunken products in the last five years. [More]

Customers Rush To Use Grocery Store ATM Paying Out Double Cash
Customers at a Morrisons grocery store in the United Kingdom received an exciting surprise if they went to take some money out of the store’s cash machine: it was paying out double. No, this is not a thing that was actually supposed to happen, but customers rushed to the store to take out some extra money…even though it would be fairly easy for the ATM owner and their banks to determine who had taken out more cash than they were entitled to. [More]

You Can Now Get Hot Doughnuts From Domino’s (In The U.K.)
Have you spent the morning moping in your cubicle, wishing that someone would bring you a box of donuts and a vat of coffee? A new item from Domino’s in the United Kingdom would get you halfway there: the chain pizzeria is now rather inexplicably selling donuts. Hot donuts. [More]

Billboards That Scan Your Features And Figure Out Your Age And Gender Are Not At All Creepy
Shoppers at discount store Tesco in the U.K. might get the unnerving feeling that someone is watching them. Something is. The chain is using sophisticated software to identify customers and beam ads at them. No, not by name: by demographic. [More]