Taco Bell is basically a deep-fried stick of butter away from being a food booth at your local state fair. The latest result of the Bell’s plan to wrap any recognizable junk food inside a tortilla has resulted in two dessert quesadillas stuffed with either Twix bar pieces or Kit Kats. [More]

Seasonal Bags Of Dove Chocolate Recalled Due To Surprise Snickers, Allergy Concerns
Food allergies can be a life-threatening condition, which is why the maker of Dove candies has recalled a winter-themed assortment of chocolates available only from one nationwide food retailer and distributed to 35 states. Which nationwide food retailer is that? Mars didn’t bother to include that information, which might have been helpful. [More]

Very Important Halloween Question: Are Fun-Size Twix From The Left Or Right Side Factory?
After pawing through his kid’s Halloween candy stash, one inquisitive-minded consumer got to thinking: Mars has that whole Left Side Twix Factory vs. Right Side Twix Factory thing — but what about individual fun-size Twix? WHERE DO THEY COME FROM? [More]

Christmas Is Coming, In The Form Of Gingerbread-Flavored Stuff
You can tell when fall is at hand, because items with pumpkin spice flavoring begin to fill store shelves. While retail has many other more obvious symbols of impending Christmas, one fits the theme of sweets flavored to taste like other things: gingerbread. No, not gingerbread cookies. Other things that are flavored to taste like gingerbread. [More]