JFK Delta Terminal A Living Hellhole, Cops Called To Quell Crowds

JFK Delta Terminal A Living Hellhole, Cops Called To Quell Crowds

Around 9:30 this morning, NYPD descended on the JFK Delta Terminal to calm an unruly mob of holiday travelers. I myself escaped the same terminal 2 hours earlier, and I could already tell at that point that something was going to go terribly wrong. [More]

Samsung's Repair Service Can't Seem To Fix My Blu-Ray

Samsung's Repair Service Can't Seem To Fix My Blu-Ray

Matthew raves about Samsung’s Twitter customer service (@samsungservice), but is incensed about the repair process itself, which he says has failed to stop his Blu-ray from freezing up like Sean Suisham. [More]

@Couponbot Serves You Coupons Via Twitter

@Couponbot Serves You Coupons Via Twitter

Shoppers are getting online coupon code crazy, with searches for promo codes up 55% from last year. But why waste your time Googling when you could be watching and an armada of Twitter agents are searching for coupons on your behalf?

Now Report Spammers On Twitter With A Single Click

Now Report Spammers On Twitter With A Single Click

It used to be that when you were followed by a spammer on Twitter, you had to go report them by sending a direct message to Twitter’s official spam account. Now they’ve updated their reporting system, so all it takes is a single click. Have fun turning in the bots!

Great, Your Doctor Is Talking About You On Facebook

Great, Your Doctor Is Talking About You On Facebook

Apparently the new generation of med students aren’t as concerned as you might like them to be about sharing your medical information on Facebook or Twitter, says Time.

10 Extinct Twitter-Types Thanks To New Terms Of Service

10 Extinct Twitter-Types Thanks To New Terms Of Service

Instead of cranking out cumbersome terms of service Magna Cartas that only lawyers will actually read, Twitter should follow the lead of Mashable and just come out and say what types of users it’s attempting to get rid of.

New Terms Of Service For Twitter

New Terms Of Service For Twitter

Twitter has just posted new terms of service clarifying a few points that have come up now that the service is popular and stuff. They’ve changed the terms to clarify a few points, such as advertising (they retain the right to advertise) ownership (you own your tweets) and rebroadcast (they can retweet you far and wide.) [Twitter Blog]

Funai Knows TV Broke Under Warranty, Hopes You Go Away

Funai Knows TV Broke Under Warranty, Hopes You Go Away

Back in February, Funai put a Consumerist reader on hold for two and a half hours before telling him that there was nothing they could do about selling him the entirely wrong DTV converter box. Now Funai has decided to head those long hold times off at the pass, and their warranty division has stopped answering the phone entirely.

Logitech Replaces Mouse Under Warranty When Tweeted At

Logitech Replaces Mouse Under Warranty When Tweeted At

Everyone is tired of hearing about Twitter. It’s not the newest and shiniest communications tool anymore, and stories about its effectiveness in customer service aren’t novel anymore. Reader Ryan is tired of hearing about Twitter, but he shared a story with Consumerist about how Logitech only replaced his mouse under warranty after he tweeted at them.

Twitter Lawsuit Company Tells Its Side Of Story

Twitter Lawsuit Company Tells Its Side Of Story

(Photo: mikebaird)

Tenant Sued After Using Twitter To Complain About Moldy Apartment

Tenant Sued After Using Twitter To Complain About Moldy Apartment

If the the puiblic didn’t read Amanda Bonnen’s Twitter feed before, they will now, thanks to a defamation lawsuit brought against her by Horizon Group Management in Chicago.

Complaining Via Twitter Works When Comfort Inn Won't Listen

Complaining Via Twitter Works When Comfort Inn Won't Listen

Kristy and her husband were dissatisfied with their recent Comfort Inn stay while on vacation in southern Utah. The hotel manager resolved their cleanliness concerns, but then threatened to revoke their discount if they complained to corporate. Kristy tried to get her message across to the people in charge through the usual channels, and it seemed that nobody wanted to listen, Finally, she posted about the situation on Twitter and got the resolution she was looking for.


Best tweet of the day: “my bank was just held up- with me in it. HSBC 34 and 8. also my whole trackball is GONE!!! im locked in the bank still.” [Gothamist] (Thanks to John!)


Usually, to follow someone on Twitter, you click “Follow.” So why does Walmart have a 3,379-word terms of use specifically for their Twitter accounts posted on the company Web site? Seriously, we’re asking, because no one has any idea. [BoingBoing]


Dave Carroll’s “United Breaks Guitars” song and video EECB appears to be having the desired effect. Check out this tweet from United. [Twitter] (Thanks to Chris!) Update: Dave Carroll responds.

No, You Can't Get Rich Quick Via Twitter

No, You Can't Get Rich Quick Via Twitter

The Better Business Bureau warns job-hunters and other money-seekers that no, you can’t earn massive amounts of money through secretive Twitter tricks.

Free Food From Pizza Hut Via Twitter And Facebook

Free Food From Pizza Hut Via Twitter And Facebook

The new Pizza Hut social media intern has her first assignment, and it’s to give out codes for free stuffed pizza rolls to the company’s followers on Twitter and Facebook. Let’s hope they’ve planned ahead better than KFC did. [Mashable] (Thanks, David!)

Furniture Store Habitat Caught Exploiting Iran Via Twitter

Furniture Store Habitat Caught Exploiting Iran Via Twitter

BBC News reports that the furniture chain Habitat is very, very sorry for using keywords such as “Iran” and “Mousavi” to drive sales via Twitter. The tweets were posted last week and have since been removed, but in case you missed the poetry of this particular brand of badvertising, here’s one sample: #MOUSAVI Join the database for free to win a £1,000 gift card!