With many incoming college students unable to afford rising tuition costs, and low-cost federal loans only providing some assistance, private student loans have become a necessary evil for some in recent years. But those higher-interest loans are leading to increased levels of debt among young Americans. Lawmakers are once again promoting a long talked-about bill to protect students. [More]

Colleges Tight-Lipped On Revealing How They Divvy Out Financial Aid
When choosing a college to attend most teens and their families shop around a little. With tuition skyrocketing, many consumers look at financial aid offered by universities as a top priority when considering which institution to attend. Even with regulations on the books requiring schools to outline how financial aid is distributed, families are finding it nearly impossible to estimate their child’s worth to a school. [More]

College Student Protests Tuition Hike By Paying With Singles
Like many schools around the country, tuition at the University of Utah has soared in the last decade. In-state students at this school are now paying more than double what students paid only a decade ago, with another 5% increase coming. In minor protest of these rate hikes, one Utah student chose to express his feelings by paying his tuition in singles. [More]

UNC Denies In-State Tuition To Veteran Because Her Husband Was Stationed In Texas
Anyone who has attended a public university probably knew at least one or two out-of-state students who gamed the system to get the much lower in-state tuition price. But an Army vet who has owned a home in North Carolina since 2006, says the state’s university system told her she had lived outside the Tarheel State for too long to qualify for the discounted education. [More]

Some Private Colleges Are Actually Lowering Tuition
As everything else seems to be getting more expensive, including the cost of education at most colleges, there are a few places of learning actually cutting the price of tuition for those who want a private school experience. [More]

College Tuition Has Risen 8.3 Percent This Year
College continues to get irrationally expensive, with tuition at public schools soaring 8.3 percent this year, while private nonprofit schools have upped their costs an average of 4.5 percent. According to College Board findings, the average college grad is saddled with $20,000 in loans. [More]

Options To Save Money For Your Kids To Blow In College
Once you spawn younglings, your mind starts to drift toward their future. Because it’s tough to make the circus and the New York Jets only employ so many placekickers, your thoughts will inevitably drift to college, and how much it will cost to help your kids pay to sleep through classes in the year 20XX. [More]

Facebook App To Automatically Match College Students With Financial Aid
MTV and The College Board recently teamed up for something called the College Affordability Challenge, a contest to create digital tools that will help to make navigating the financial aid maze even slightly easier. Earlier this week, they announced the winner, a Facebook application that takes users’ info and matches them up with the most appropriate aid providers. [More]

College Students Turn To Some Interesting Methods To Pay For School
Back in my day, paying for college meant babysitting or working as a waitress, and yes, applying to every scholarship/grant in existence. But kids these days, boy, are they getting creative when it comes to saving up funds to pay for education! [More]

College Student Pays $14,000 Tuition In Singles
A student at the University of Colorado, Boulder, is making headlines after deciding to pay for all $14,300 of his semester’s tuition in $1 bills. [More]

The Best Lesson I Learned At College Was College Wasn't Worth It
With college tuition and fees rapidly increasing and hovering at an average of $7,605 a year, it’s becoming easier to question whether or not it’s worth putting yourself in debt for the knowledge and connections. [More]

California Students Protest, Riot Over Tuition Gouging
Responding to UC regents’ efforts to slap students with a 32 percent tuition increase, groups at UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, UCLA and other schools took to the streets, 1960s style, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

What Are The Most Expensive Colleges In America?
College is expensive, but the some colleges are more expensive than others. Collegegrotto.com rounded up the top 100 most expensive colleges in the United States, based on just tuition and room and board. The winner? Sarah Lawrence College, north of New York City.

Private School Tells 300 Students To Pay Up Or Get Out
A new quarter just started this week at Marian Catholic High School in Chicago, and on the first day back, 300 students were pulled out of class and lined up outside the school, then told to contact their parents and pay their outstanding tuition or they’d have to leave. The Chicago Tribune writes that “by lunchtime, about 100 students were sent home-some confused, some embarrassed and a few angry.” The school says parents owe around $450,000 in outstanding tuition payments, far higher than usual, and that they’re trying to avoid layoffs and other budget cutbacks. Will the poor economy lead to higher attendance at public schools? “If you want a good education, you have to dish it out,” one parent told the paper.

25 Most Expensive Colleges For 2008-2009
Here are the 25 most expensive colleges for 2008-2009, based on total cost (tuition + room and board), as compiled by CampusGrotto.com. Whooie, this is some pricey book-learnin’.

Sallie Mae Stops Student Loan Consolidation, Will No Longer Pay Origination Fees On Stafford Loans
Consolidation loans are no longer profitable for Sallie Mae, so it’s saying goodbye to them. SmartMoney points out that ultimately this shouldn’t matter for students taking out new loans, since the original point of consolidation—converting lots of variable rate loans into a nice predictable fixed rate loan—is no longer relevant (all federal student loans are now disbursed with fixed interest rates.) SmartMoney says if you still have variable rate loans you need/want to consolidate, check out the government’s consolidation offering—”You’re likely to pay the same consolidation rates you’d pay if you did so with Sallie Mae,” they write.

Sallie Mae Will Make Fewer Student Loans In 2008
Student loan lender Sallie Mae said today it plans on making fewer loans in the future “in the wake of federal legislation last year to reduce subsidies for student lenders,” reports Reuters.