
TSA App Tells You How Long You Will Have To Stare At Other People's Luggage

TSA App Tells You How Long You Will Have To Stare At Other People's Luggage

Wondering how long you’ll be standing in the security line, staring at other people’s luggage choices? The TSA has an app for you that relies on crowd-sourced data to give you estimated wait times at a variety of airports. [More]

Government Study Says Airline Fees Should Be Disclosed To Consumers

Government Study Says Airline Fees Should Be Disclosed To Consumers

A new study from the Government Accountability Office says that the “optional” fees that airlines have invented for checked and carry-on bags; meals; blankets; early boarding; and seat selection are not adequately disclosed and consumers are not able to easily compare the total cost of flights offered by different carriers. [More]

Free Award Wallet Upgrades

Free Award Wallet Upgrades

Last week we told you about Award Wallet, a site that helps keep track of your airline frequent flyer miles. While a basic account is free, they’re giving away free account upgrades to the first 30 people who jump on this coupon code. [More]

United Gate Bag Template 1" Shorter Than Check-In's, Makes You Gate Check Bag

United Gate Bag Template 1" Shorter Than Check-In's, Makes You Gate Check Bag

He thought he was golden but radio host Todd Schnitt had to check his carry-on unexpectedly because the baggage check template at the gate was one inch shorter than the one at check-in. [More]

DC Airports Get Super Cute Pet Bathrooms

DC Airports Get Super Cute Pet Bathrooms

DC’s Dulles and Reagan airports have just opened new “pet relief areas” for your pooch’s pooping pleasure prior to plane-boarding. [More]

You're Most Likely To Get Stranded On The Tarmac With Delta And United

You're Most Likely To Get Stranded On The Tarmac With Delta And United

Every month the Department of Transportation issues the Air Travel Consumer Report. This month the report has statistics about tarmac delays — and the numbers aren’t good for Delta, United and their regional partners. [More]

Is "Consideration" The Magic Word For Getting A Refund?

Is "Consideration" The Magic Word For Getting A Refund?

Is using the word “consideration” in customer service interactions a magic incantation that opens up doors to a world of refunds, rebates, and discounts? [More]

Passport Fees Rising On July 13

Passport Fees Rising On July 13

If you have apply or renew passport on your to-do list, better put it on your “done” list this week if you want to save money. Starting July 13, new higher passport fees go into effect. [More]

American Airlines Loses Netanyahu Bodyguard's Guns

American Airlines Loses Netanyahu Bodyguard's Guns

World leaders are people just like the rest of us. They have dreams and flaws, put their pants on one leg at a time, and they’re not even immune to having their luggage lost or stolen while traveling by air. Not even when that luggage is the four Glock 9mms belonging to their personal bodyguard. UPDATE: The luggage has been found, but the guns are gone. [More]

Track Your Frequent Flyer Miles With Award Wallet

Track Your Frequent Flyer Miles With Award Wallet

Keeping track of your frequent flyer miles, when they’re about to expire and what special rain dance you have to do to actually use them can be a big hassle. Award Wallet a free site that does a bunch of the dirty work for you, operating like a for frequent flyer miles. [More]

Hackers Love Stealing Your Credit Card From Hotels

Hackers Love Stealing Your Credit Card From Hotels

Make sure you check your credit card for suspicious charges after you use it at a hotel. A new study finds that 38% of credit card hacking cases involved hotels, way ahead of any other industry. [More]

Latest Ryanair PR Stunt: Vertical Seats

Latest Ryanair PR Stunt: Vertical Seats

Known for making up crazy cost-cutting moves it has no intention of implementing just to to get headlines, Ryanair’s CEO is at it again, saying the budget-airliner plans to introduce vertical seats, of the type Airbus researched but scuttled, next year. [More]

Passenger Says Frontier Airlines Used Fake Weather Delay To Avoid Compensating Passengers

Passenger Says Frontier Airlines Used Fake Weather Delay To Avoid Compensating Passengers

Scott says his flight from San Antonio to Denver was delayed last night because “the weather computer was not working,” but two hours later that excuse was replaced with a “weather-related delay” in Denver. The problem is, Denver was sunny and clear at the time. [More]

Pilot Detained After Dropping Pants During Security Screening

Pilot Detained After Dropping Pants During Security Screening

Look, pilots, we know that times are tough, but when security asks you to remove your belt and shoes, you probably shouldn’t laugh and drop your pants, ok? Because if you do, you’re going to end up detained and will have to explain yourself to a judge. Just ask United Airlines pilot Michael Slynn, who forgot this relatively simple advice yesterday in Rio de Janiero. [More]

Should Travelocity's "TotalPrice" Guarantees Cover Mandatory Surcharges?

Should Travelocity's "TotalPrice" Guarantees Cover Mandatory Surcharges?

Aaron’s pissed because Travelocity’s quote for a one week car rental in Costa Rica didn’t include a mandatory insurance charge that cost him more than $100. Aaron feels cheated and wants Travelocity to pony up under their TotalPrice Guarantee, but Travelocity may not have done anything wrong. Join us across the jump to help us sort this out. [More]

Pilots Bristle As American Airline Tells Them To Fly With Less Fuel

Pilots Bristle As American Airline Tells Them To Fly With Less Fuel

Extra fuel is joining peanuts and magazines on the list of things American Airlines wants to ditch at the gate. The airline announced plans this week to save cash by using “scientifically precise” computer models to load less fuel. If pilots want more, they’ll need to submit a request in writing. [More]

Book On Tuesdays, Fly On Wednesdays

Book On Tuesdays, Fly On Wednesdays

Looking to save money on airfare for that fun summer getaway? The best time to buy an airline ticket is Tuesday around 3pm, and the best time to fly is a Wednesday. Why? [More]

Virgin Atlantic Keeps Passengers On Hot Plane For 4 Hours

Virgin Atlantic Keeps Passengers On Hot Plane For 4 Hours

Passengers were kept aboard a hot plane without food, water or air conditioning Tuesday night after their flight from London to Newark was diverted to an airport in Connecticut. The airplane landed near Hartford at 8:20pm, but the passengers were not bused to Newark until 1am. According to the AP, at least three passengers fainted and were treated by paramedics. [More]