
Pack A Pistol When You Pack Your Bags

Pack A Pistol When You Pack Your Bags

Sick of your luggage being lost by airlines? Start packin’ a gat. This is just an awesome tip, courtesy of the Bruce Schneir, via The Boing: [More]

Flight Attendants Extort Blanket Sales From Freezing Passengers

Flight Attendants Extort Blanket Sales From Freezing Passengers

Every once in a while, there’s a business model that’s so brilliantly evil, you just have to respect it, even while you bemoan its lack of ethics and its blatant disregard for the human spirit.

Air Canada Bills Passenger for Delaying Flight

Air Canada Bills Passenger for Delaying Flight

Gus Fuentes is being billed $1,350 (Canadian) for being an ass onboard an Air Canada jet, before it took off from London for Toronto. His antics caused him to be kicked off the plane, and the airline sent him a bill for causing the flight to be delayed. While he vows to fight the Man and not pay, the Canadian Transportation Agency has already ruled that the airline was within its rights when it sent Gus the bill.

Hooray for the Plane Ticket Status Quo

Airfares aren’t exactly transparent. You’ll see an advertised fare, and then the taxes and fees get added in, and your fare has gone up by twenty to forty dollars, or more if you’re traveling abroad. It feels dirty, like dealing with a car dealership that keeps tallying extra expenses. Consider charges like the TSA security fee the aviation equivalent of floor mats and rustproofing.

Airport Security: The Game!

Airport Security: The Game!

Frontier Airlines’ Call Centers Speak American

Frontier Airlines won’t route your call thousands of miles farther than they fly, like sending the call to the Phillippines when you’re trying to buy a ticket from Denver to Albuquerque. Among airlines, they’re an exception, as more and more companies are closing U.S.-based call centers.

Delay Your Flight With Gun Embroidered Case

Delay Your Flight With Gun Embroidered Case

Thanks to curiously spelt reader Grahm for pointing out a travel accessory even more ill-advised than a Guns ‘N’ Roses t-shirt or one printed with Islamic script: the Urban Outfitters Gun-Wheel Case.

J.K. Rowling’s Airport Voodoo That She’ll Do Do

J.K. Rowling’s Airport Voodoo That She’ll Do Do

Thanks to some schmoozing at the airport — or perhaps black magic spells cast on TSA agents — the next Harry Potter manuscript is safe.

Fashion Police: This Post is a Threat to Security

Fashion Police: This Post is a Threat to Security

By showing you this picture of a young man in a shirt with guns on it, we’re putting the lives of thousands of air travelers on the line.

Harass Your Way to (Eventual) Refunds

If at first you don’t succeed, fax, fax again. And again.

What Kathy Lee Didn’t Tell You About Cruise Ships

Maybe they’ll blame the Bermuda Triangle for their latest problems.

That Economist Article We Wanted You To Read, In Full

That Economist Article We Wanted You To Read, In Full

Yesterday, we recommended reading the Economist as a healthy alternative to the illustrious Jugs Magazine. In particular, we highlighted the excellence of a recent article called Welcome Aboard, and laboriously typed in a snip for your amusement. We then recommended you go out and buy the magazine.

Before You Panic, Try

Before You Panic, Try

Remember Erica? She was the lady who raged against US Airways for listing her husband’s delayed flight as UNKNOWN, thus spinning her into a terror-induced seizure of fears about exploding airplaines and raising her children as a single parent.

Buy This Week’s Economist, or Steal It, or Something.

Buy This Week’s Economist, or Steal It, or Something.

On Sunday, I realized with a sick chill of horror that I had officially become old. Sunday, you see, is when my local newstand refreshes their stock of periodicals. Usually, I leap from bed on Sunday morning, throw open the curtains, brightly baritone a “Good Morning!” song of my own devising to the sleepy looking magpies cocking their eye at me out my window, and rush down, eager to to secure my weekly infusion of pornography.

US Airways Flight 723: UNKNOWN

US Airways Flight 723: UNKNOWN

Bonnie Tyler Terrorizes AirFrance Flight

Bonnie Tyler Terrorizes AirFrance Flight

On a recent flight from France to Mauritius, Bonnie Tyler was asleep in first class when she was shaken awake by a stewardess and told the co-pilot was a big fan. He was retiring, would Bonnie mind coming up and shrieking “A Total Eclipse of the Heart” into the cheap airplane intercom? Miss Tyler was delighted.

Feature: Converting Credit Card Reward Points Into Free Flights

Feature: Converting Credit Card Reward Points Into Free Flights

An impassioned plea, sent weeks ago to our tips box. A certain level of confused hysteria is evident. “If I have a credit card with reward points, should I convert them into miles? When? How to tell whether I’m getting a good rate? Help!”

iPod in Toilet Leads To Emergency Landing

iPod in Toilet Leads To Emergency Landing

Under new security regulations, even fetid catassers are terrorists.