The pace of job losses has slowed significantly, but the economy still divested itself of 190,000 jobs in October, sending the national unemployment rate to 10.2%, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It should be noted that the unemployment rate only tracks people actively seeking work.

50 More Things Restaurant Staffers Should Never Do
As promised, here is part II of the NYT “Stuff Restaurant Staffers Should Never Do” series. The list was written by a fellow who is opening a seafood restaurant in Bridgehampton, NY. We’ve grabbed the most debate-worthy of them for your enjoyment.

Live In The Mobile Home Of The Future
Would you live in a mobile home? No? What if it were solar and wind powered, and tricked out with the latest modern conveniences and looked sharp?

Perkins Is Really Genuinely Concerned That Your French Dip Sandwich Sucked
Reader Stephanie’s brother recently started a blog dedicated to reviewing French Dip sandwiches. To that end, he ordered, and reviewed, a French Dip at a Perkins in Madison, WI. Unfortunately, his sandwich came on regular bread, instead of typical French Dip bread.

Ford Announces Solution To America's Car Woes: The 1993 Taurus
Here’s a video from The Onion that pretty much sums up our nation’s automobile situation. The added incentive of a free Primus tape is really what sold me.

T-Mobile Surprise Porn Not An Isolated Incident
After we posted yesterday about a T-Mobile customer being greeted by pictures of topless women when he logged into his account to pay his bill, some of you asked, “What’s the problem?” Several readers’ stories answer that question. (Censored but not exactly tasteful pictures inside.) UPDATE: T-Mobile response inside.

NY AG: Intel Is An Illegal Monopoly That Uses "Bribery And Coercion"
Andrew Cuomo, the Attorney General of New York, has filed a lawsuit against Intel, claiming that the company is an illegal monopoly that engages “in a worldwide, systematic campaign of illegal conduct – revealed in e-mails – in order to maintain its monopoly power and prices in the market for microprocessors.”

AT&T Sues Verizon Over "There's A Map For That" Ads
AT&T has had it with Verizon’s “there’s a map for that ads” and have filed a lawsuit. The big blue death star says that the ad is misleading because while the blank spaces in Verizon’s map actually show places where there is no Verizon service at all — the blank spaces in the AT&T map may still have voice and data coverage — just not “3G” coverage.

Reader: "Paid My T-Mobile Bill, Saw Some Boobs"
Reader Andrew has an interesting problem: whenever he logs onto T-Mobile’s website to pay his bill, T-Mobile flashes him.

1st Consumerist Meetup This Wed. Night!
Don’t forget, the first ever Consumerist meetup is tomorrow night. And it’s coming at a perfect time: This month is Consumerist’s four-year birthday!

Man Attempts To Rob Taco Bell, Then Asks For A Job Application
Well this guy is doing it wrong: We’ve been alerted to a report from Haverstraw, NY where police say a man entered a Taco Bell, waved a gun around, demanded money — then asked for a job application.

Which Condom Holds The Most Air Before Exploding? (Video)
You might be be surprised how much air a condom can hold, or water (try 25 liters). But which holds the most before bursting to pieces? Our friend Theresa at Consumer Reports donned a lab coat and glasses to find out which brand of condoms came out on top in their durability tests.

Capital One: Waive Your Rights, Get $10 Off Your Next Overlimit Fee!
Everett says Capital One called him up and made him an offer. If he opted out of at least one of the consumer credit protections enacted by the CARD act, Capital One would drop the overlimit fees from $39 to $29! Woo!

QVC Tricks Thousands Into Overpaying For Wii and Accessories
Reader Joe/Mordecai spotted an awful QVC deal on a Wii, a crappy game and some accessories.

Radio Shack Sales Staff Unfazed By 2,400% Markup
No one goes to Radio Shack to take advantage of low prices. They go because they need an electronic component on short notice, and Radio Shack is pretty ubiquitous. That’s how Chris and his fiancée found themselves at a Wisconsin Radio Shack in search of a mini USB cable, but they encountered such high prices and high-pressure sales lies that they walked out and found what they needed…at the dollar store.

Mother And Child Kicked Off Southwest Flight Receive Apology, Free Travel
Earlier this week, a 2-year-old boy drowned out preflight announcements on a Southwest Airlines flight with his screams of “I want Daddy!” and “Go, plane, go!” So the airline kicked the child and his mother off the plane.

Boston Market Posts $1 Meal Coupon Online: Guess What Happens Next
The trickster twins of free food and Internet coupons struck again this week. Well, nearly free food. Boston Market restaurants are experiencing chicken shortages after their coupon offering customers on their mailing list a full chicken meal for $1. The coupon went viral on deal sites, and we even included it in our Morning Deals on Tuesday. And as more people than planned took advantage of the deal, lines ran long and supplies ran low.