Monday Morning Reminder: Feed The Sharks

Monday Morning Reminder: Feed The Sharks

It’s that time again: knees bent, faces blubbering against your belly, our pathetic plea for your consumerist tales.

Monday Morning Reminder: Complain To Us!

Monday Morning Reminder: Complain To Us!

We can never get enough complaints. Well, we can when they are about us: every one of those huffy “I’m offended!” emails you guys send to us puts a mortal pang into the ichorous core of our black, black hearts. After all, certainly every individual has a god given right to walk out of the house every day and be confident that they will not have their delicate sensibilities ruffled. We understand that; we relate. We appreciate your concerns!

Monday Morning Reminder: Write Us!

Monday Morning Reminder: Write Us!

Just our Monday Morning Reminder that we want your tips, experiences, complaints, comments, suggestions, criticisms, naked pictures, death threats, bank account details… just about anything you’re willing to send us over at

Monday Morning Reminder: Consumerist Wants Your Tips

Monday Morning Reminder: Consumerist Wants Your Tips

Just a reminder that if you’ve found a story you’d like to see here, have an anecdote (bad or good) about a company or just want to give feedback about the tone and direction of this site, The Consumerist wants to hear from you.