
Advice: Do NOT Get A Circumcision On Craigslist

Advice: Do NOT Get A Circumcision On Craigslist

We all know Craigslist can be great for finding an apartment, retrieving your stolen property and getting a law degree from Georgetown. And apparently, the site’s reputation is so solid that there are adult men in Michigan who thought it would be perfectly okay to arrange a circumcision through the online bazaar. [More]

Reduce Your Chances Of Laptop Theft By Turning Off

Reduce Your Chances Of Laptop Theft By Turning Off Wi-Fi

A security company says that one easy way to find recently closed laptops hidden in cars or bags is to search for Wi-Fi radios, because some laptops can take half an hour or more before going into sleep mode. You need a specialized scanner to do sniff out Wi-Fi radios, but says you can get one for about $50. The security company, Credant Technologies, says a group of lottery scammers in Jamaica were using stolen laptops that they found in this way. The solution: disable your Wi-Fi before you close the lid on your laptop. [More]

What Do You Do When Your Credit Card Has Been Armed With An
Interest Rate Trap?

What Do You Do When Your Credit Card Has Been Armed With An Interest Rate Trap?

Harry’s got a problem: the Bank of America card he’s had for years is paid off, but now it’s been set to explode in Harry’s wallet if he ever uses it again because the variable APR will jump to 29.99 percent. What’s worse, his other card has been canceled. Now Harry doesn’t know if he should start using the BofA card or back away quietly from it. [More]

Restaurant Bans Customer For Not Tipping Enough

Restaurant Bans Customer For Not Tipping Enough

The menu of a restaurant in Winston-Salem, NC, says a gratuity of 15% will be added to parties of six or more. A former customer says she was in a party of three and saw that an 18% gratuity had been added, which she complained about but paid. She said the next time she showed up, she was met at the door by staff and told that she had to agree up front to pay 18% or she couldn’t eat there. [More]

Stay On Budget By Maintaining One Indulgence

Stay On Budget By Maintaining One Indulgence

Adam Baker at Get Rich Slowly suggests you’ll be able to better stick to a budget if you pick one non-essential hobby or interest instead of cutting them all out. The key to figuring out whether or not it’s something worth “wasting” money on is to identify any hidden benefits, and then to make sure there aren’t hidden drawbacks. [More]

Don't Fall For Job Scams

Don't Fall For Job Scams

The Federal Trade Commission has a website at with information on the types of scams you’re likely to find in Help Wanted listings. They’ve also put together a short video (below) that describes how scammers try to charge job hunters fees to pay for job certification, or to provide access to executive-level interviews, or to acquire study materials that are supposedly crucial to passing a hiring exam. It’s a good refresher course in what to look out for when you’re answering ads. [More]

Here's A Simple Flowchart To Help Thwart Phishing Attacks

Here's A Simple Flowchart To Help Thwart Phishing Attacks

I like flowcharts because they appeal to the part of me that wants to be a robot. I also like them because they make multi-step decision paths incredibly simple to follow, even if you don’t have a lot of insight into the big picture. This flowchart from will help even your PowerPoint-slideshow-forwarding relative (yes, that one) shoot down phishers as soon as they hit the In Box. [More]

How To Protect Your Receipts

How To Protect Your Receipts

There’s a slight problem with many receipts these days–they’re printed on thermal paper, and over time they fade. Some readers were discussing this in the Kodak warranty thread from earlier this week, and I thought it might be useful to highlight it here for other readers. [More]

Looking For A New Snack? Try

Looking For A New Snack? Try

The Daily Beast has published a short profile of Jeremy Selwyn, a web developer in Massachusetts who runs the snack food review website Selwyn started the site about ten years ago, and now he has nearly 4.5 thousand different entries on various chips, candies, pretzels, and whatever else can be combined with salt and flavored powder. Naturally I immediately checked out the “Worst Chips Ever” section, which includes an awful lot of sea creature flavored abominations. Apparently sour cream and clam isn’t a good idea for a chip. [More]

Nine Things That Are Overpriced

Nine Things That Are Overpriced

CNN Money has put together a slideshow (ugh) of nine of “America’s biggest rip-offs,” and I think we’ve covered all of them at one point or another on Consumerist. [More]

Why Aren't You Haggling Yet?

Why Aren't You Haggling Yet?

Michael S. Rosenwald saved $15 on a pair of shoes at Macy’s, $3 on a steak at Giant, $6 on a DVD set at Best Buy, and $100 off his next Verizon bill (plus a 10% discount on future bills) during one week spent haggling. In this Washington Post article, he describes how it felt to switch from the habit of paying full retail to looking at a price tag as a “suggestion,” in the words of one expert he met with. The executives Rosenwald spoke with repeatedly said that bargaining is not standard practice, but that didn’t stop employees and managers from making deals in order to close the sale. [More]

How To Improve Your Chances On Dating Websites

How To Improve Your Chances On Dating Websites

The blog for recently looked at over 7,000 profile pictures of men and women on the dating site, and compared various poses with the number of new contacts made each month. If you’re using a dating site you might want to read through their findings and fine-tune your presentation. [More]

Free "How To Be Invisible" Download In Exchange For Your Email Address

Free "How To Be Invisible" Download In Exchange For Your Email Address

J.J. Luna, a former security consultant turned author, released a guide ten years ago that showed readers how get rid of paper and digital trails. The subject matter is probably a little too paranoid for most of our readers, but it overlaps with issues we talk about all the time here, like identity theft and online security. He’s just released a revised version, so he’s giving away the 2000 edition in PDF format for free. Well, in exchange for your email address. [More]

Protect Yourself From Unexpected Fees At Medical Clinics

Protect Yourself From Unexpected Fees At Medical Clinics

An anonymous reader wrote to us to ask what he should do about unexpected bills from a medical clinic. He chose the clinic precisely because he can’t afford hospital bills in the hundreds of dollars, and was led to believe that there’d be no out-of-pocket cost. It turns out there was. [More]

Don't Let An Unknown Caller Talk You Into Downloading Software

Don't Let An Unknown Caller Talk You Into Downloading Software

In the wide world of scams, this combination of a phone call and computer malware is sort of a novel twist. Jay likes to string phone scammers along to waste their time, so he managed to get quite a few details about how this particular scam works. If you’ve got naive family members with access to computers, either take away their computers or tell them never to download software from a stranger on the phone. [More]

How To Make Sure You Get Paid What You're Worth

How To Make Sure You Get Paid What You're Worth

Wired has put together a Wiki called a “Get Paid What You’re Worth” that lists seven strategies to help you maximize your salary. To start off, use a salary calculator or report to get a ballpark estimate of the going rate in your area, and remember that you have to learn to negotiate if you want to make more money. [More]

Don't Call The Police To Complain About The Prostitute You Tried To Hire

Don't Call The Police To Complain About The Prostitute You Tried To Hire

A man in New Hampshire called the police earlier this week to report a theft of services complaint. Unfortunately for him, the services happened to be sexual, which meant he was also basically turning himself in for soliciting prostitution. Both he and the alleged prostitute were arrested. [More]

What To Do When You Don't Know Whether Something Should Be Recycled

What To Do When You Don't Know Whether Something Should Be Recycled

If your city has a recycling program but you keep forgetting how it works, Slate has some tips for you. The best solution is to print out a copy of your city’s approved items and stick it to your fridge (doh), but the general rule of thumb is: “If in doubt, throw it out. Meaning don’t recycle.” [More]